- Many applications use connection/object pool. A program may require a IMAP connection pool and LDAP connection pool. One could easily implement a IMAP connection pool, then take the existing code and implement a LDAP connection pool. The program grow
- his paper provides a tutorial and survey of methods for parameterizing surfaces with a view to applications in geometric modelling and computer graphics. We gather various concepts from di® erential geometry which are relevant to surface map
- 这是一个图形处理中的积累弦长参数化程序,很简单,对图形处理很有用。-This is a graphics processing in the accumulation of chord length parameterization procedure is very simple, useful for graphics processing.
- Gets the parameterization of the excitation signal using the FFT
- langan法射线追踪及层析矩阵求解。参数化方式为矩形网格参数化。射线追踪和层析矩阵求解过程中采用压缩存储方式,正则化约束以矩阵方式补入。-ray tracing and langan chromatography method for solving matrix. Parameterization for the parameters of the rectangular grid. Ray-tracing process chromatography matrix used to solv
- 工程界几何模型参数化用到的NURBS曲线生成的理论和相关源代码。可用以翼型参数化、船舶外形参数化等-the theory of NURBS curve generation and the related source code for Engineering of geometric model parameterization . Airfoil parameterization and ship shape parameterization can be used
- PROFIBUS_DP报文格式说明,包括参数化、诊断、确认等-PROFIBUS_DP message format descr iption, including parameterization, diagnosis, confirmation
- 基于采样数据集的真实感建模技术,设计并实现了一个具有纹理的三维物体自动建模原型系统。这个系统运用立体视觉原理测量物体的几何信息,自动构建真实物体的三维模型;并且可以同时获取物体的颜色纹理以及所对应的纹理坐标。用这个系统得到的数据可以直接用于渲染。围绕这个反向建模系统,我们探讨了系统的标定、几何信息的采集、曲面参数化、颜色纹理的拼接和融合等方面的问题。同时我们给出了用这个系统进行建模的实例。-Realistic sample data sets based on modeling, design
- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)是一种独立于机器的描述语言,用于描述在网络上传递的消息 标准包括: ISO 8824-1 | ITU-T X.680: Specification of basic notation, ISO 8824-2 | ITU-T X.681: Information object specification, ISO 8824-3 | ITU-T X.682: Constraint specification,
- 3×3窗口计算最大最小曲率坡度和断面曲率-chart compute
- openGI是一套可以将参数化三维模型生成几何纹理的类似opengl的开发库,本源码是一个opengi开发的基本例子程序,解压后打开bin文件夹,运行cmd,将gim.exe拖进去,根据提示进行操作即可-OpenGI is a platform-independent open-source C-library for parameterizing triangular meshes and creating Geometry Images with an OpenGL-like syntax,
- 实验目的: 研究上课所讲谱分析方法,利用实验验证书中的结论,掌握各种谱分析方法,学会实验设计和实验结果分析。 实验内容: 所应用到的谱分析方法,包括: 1) 非参数化方法:周期图(直接法)、BT法(间接法),Welch平均周期图法 2) 参数化方法: RELAX、Capon 3) 空间谱估计:常见的DOA方法(Capon) -Experimental Objective: To study methods of spectral analysis class talk
- 研究上课所讲谱分析方法,利用实验验证书中的结论,掌握各种谱分析方法,学会实验设计和实验结果分析。 所应用到的谱分析方法,包括: 1) 非参数化方法:周期图(直接法)、BT法(间接法),Welch平均周期图法 2) 参数化方法: RELAX、Capon 3) 空间谱估计:常见的DOA方法(Capon) -Experimental Objective: To study methods of spectral analysis class talking about the us
- 研究上课所讲谱分析方法,利用实验验证书中的结论,掌握各种谱分析方法,学会实验设计和实验结果分析。 实验内容: 所应用到的谱分析方法,包括: 1) 非参数化方法:周期图(直接法)、BT法(间接法),Welch平均周期图法 2) 参数化方法: RELAX、Capon 3) 空间谱估计:常见的DOA方法(Capon) -Experimental Objective: To study methods of spectral analysis class talking abou
- MFC做的图形处理,关于线段的裁剪,包括参数化法的凸多边形裁剪算法和Cohen-SutherLand裁剪算法。-MFC to do graphics processing, cut on the line, including the parameterization of the convex polygon clipping algorithm, and Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm.
- 飞思卡尔POWER PC的SPI驱动 适用于飞思卡尔MPC55xx MPC56xx系列-This section presents device-specific parameterization and customization information not specifically referenced in the remainder of this chapter.
- NURBS曲线生成程序,文中为均匀参数化方法,其他方法可参考之。-NURBS curve generation program, the text is uniform parameterization method, other methods can reference.
- n次递归回溯算法,采用上对角线,下对角线的方法解决n皇后难题。并且将皇后和棋盘大小参数化,只要改变参数就能进行n皇后问题的求解,并且输出到文件中,便于查看所有解。-n recursive backtracking algorithm, on the diagonal, and solutions under the diagonal n Queens problem. And parameterization of the Queen and board size, simply changin
- 使用Qt实现函数型与参数型的样条函数,函数型包括自由边界和抛物边界,参数型包括均匀参数化,弦长参数化,向心参数化-Using Qt to achieve function type and parameter type spline function, function type, including free boundary and parabolic boundary, parameter types, including uniform parameterization, chord l
- 利用Qt实现三次样条插值,主要实现函数型和参数型,函数型包括自由边界和抛物边界,参数型包括均匀参数化,弦长参数化和向心参数化-Use Qt to achieve cubic spline interpolation, the main function type and parameter type, function type, including free boundary and parabolic boundary, parameter types, including uniform