- Basics of Quantum Computation 1 What is the point in Quantum Computation 1 1.1 Preview 1 1.2 A First View of the Advantages 5 1.3 Is Physics Nothing Else But Computation ? 12 2 First Quantum Computations 15 2.1 Quantum Bits, or Qubits 15
- Q# , a quantum computation package for the .NET platform We adopted .NET although its shortage in built-in complex and matrix operations, compared to Matlab. For implementation, we first built a mathematical core of matrix operations. Then, we b
- 量子遗传算法(QGA-Quantum Genetic Algorithm)是量子计算与经典遗传算法(GA)相结合而产生的一个新的研究领域。算法利用了量子计算的量子并行、量子纠缠特性,采用了多状态基因量子比特编码方式和量子旋转门更新操作,引入动态和静态调整旋转角机制和量子变异,使得算法比经典遗传算法具有更强的并行处理能力、更快的收敛速度且比传统信号检测算法具有更高的效率。-Quantum Genetic Algorithm (QGA-Quantum Genetic Algorithm) is