- 最新的支持向量机工具箱,有了它会很方便 1. Find time to write a proper list of things to do! 2. Documentation. 3. Support Vector Regression. 4. Automated model selection. REFERENCES ========== [1] V.N. Vapnik, \"The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory\", Springer-Verl
- 此为编译原理实验报告 学习消除文法左递规算法,了解消除文法左递规在语法分析中的作用 内含 设计算法 目的 源码 等等.... 算法:消除左递归算法为: (1)把文法G的所有非终结符按任一种顺序排列成P1,P2,…Pn 按此顺序执行 (2)FOR i:=1 TO n DO BEGIN FOR j:=1 DO 把形如Pi→Pjγ的规则改写成 Pi→δ1γ δ2γ … δkγ。其中Pj→δ1 δ2 … δk是关于Pj的所有规则; 消除关于Pi规则的直接左递归性 END (3)化简由(2)所得的文法。即
- %TVDENOISE Total variation grayscale and color image denoising % u = TVDENOISE(f,lambda) denoises the input image f. The smaller % the parameter lambda, the stronger the denoising. % % The output u approximately minimizes the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF)
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- 贪心算法作业的解题报告(含证明)和源代码:磁盘文件最优存储问题,当初证明花了一些时间。问题描述:设磁盘上有n个文件,f1,f2,…,fn,,每个文件占磁盘上1个磁道。这n个文件的检索概率分别是p1,p2,…,pn, 且∑pi=1。磁头从当前磁道移到被检信息磁道所需的时间可用这2 个磁道之间的径向距离来度量。如果文件pi存放在第i道上, ,则检索这n 个文件的期望时间是∑pipjd(i,j) 其中d(i,j) 是第i道与第j 道之间的径向距离|i-j|。磁盘文件的最优存储问题要求确
- SQL Workbench/J是一个独立于DBMS,跨平台的SQL查询分析工具。支持:直接在查询结果集中编辑,新增和删除数据;在查询结果集、SQL statement、导入和导出中支持BLOB数据。在SQL语句中采用变量替换;能够生成数据结构的XML报告,以便能够重构数据库模型;能够比较两个数据库在结构上有何不同之处;在编辑SQL语句时能够自动提示表格和字段;所有SQL脚本运行在批处理模式下;SQL Workbench/J还提供一个DataPumper工具用于直接在两台服务器上相互复制数据,Da
- This application is a simulation of a wireless sensor network. Such a network is used to detect and report certain events across an expanse of a remote area - e.g., a battlefield sensor network that detects and reports troop movements. The idea behin
- function [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) KMEANS Cluster multivariate data using the k-means++ algorithm. [L,C] = kmeans(X,k) produces a 1-by-size(X,2) vector L with one class label per column in X and a size(X,1)-by-k matrix C containing the centers
- Interactive oblique shock calculator for a double wedge. References: John, J.E.A., "Gas Dynamics," 2nd Edition, 1984: pp 123-134. Ames Research Staff, "Equations, Tables, and Charts for Compresssible Flow," NACA Report 1135, pp 8-12. -Intera
- MATLAB function to partition very large graphs very fast. This function implements a graph partitioning algorithm based on spectral factorization. This algorithm is described in the following technical report: Joã o Hespanha. An efficient MA
- 1)定义一个长度为10的int数组nArr,采用给定初始值或从键盘输入的方式给数组的10个元素赋值;定义一个int *型指针变量pInt,并将nArr的首地址存入pInt中; 2)功能1:将从键盘输入的0..9间两个数存入i, j,交换下标为i, j的两个数组元素中存放的内容,并输出交换前与交换后的结果; 3)功能2:通过指针间接运算,重新交换数组元素i, j中的内容,并输出交换后的内容。 4)功能3:以8位16进制数的形式输出pInt,pInt + i, pInt + j的值,并
- 机载雷达空时自适应处理的源码,也就是林肯实验室的ward报告-Code for space-time adaptive processing foe airborne radar(J.Ward report of Lincoln Lab)