- 高斯混合模型是單一高斯機率密度函數的延伸,由於GMM 能夠平滑地近似任意形狀的密度分佈,因此近年來常被用在語音與語者辨識,得到不錯的效果。-Gaussian mixture model is a single Gaussian probability density function of the extension, as the GMM can approximate arbitrary smooth shape of the density distribution, it is ofte
- shape matching algorithm is widely used in many app lications of the content2based retrieval, however, due to large data amount of the video stream and the computation of p rocessing,-shape matching algorithm is widely used in many app lications o
- Content Based Image retrieval
- 图像检索_基于MPEG-7形状特征的图像检索技术研究-_ Image retrieval Based on MPEG-7 shape features of image retrieval research
- 图像检索中基于形状的图像检索技术研究 非常 有用 -shape-based image retrieval in image retrieval research is very useful
- 状是含有高层语义信息的视觉特征,在基于内容的图像检索及图像识别中具有重要的应用价值。有很多种描述子可以描述图像的形状特征,傅立叶描述子可以把二维的图像轮廓信息简化成一维问题进行处理,应用非常广泛。然而自然图像的形状特征通常是杂乱的,有噪声的,提出了一种图像预处理方法,得到净化的形状图像,通过实验研究傅立叶描述子算法提取形状特征的效果。-Abstract shape is a visual feature which contains intrinsic high-level semantics
- 摘 要: 提出了一种基于改进 Ha u s d o r f f距离的人脸相似度匹配的方法, 该方法首先将人脸划分为脸型、 双眼、 鼻、 嘴等几个特征点 集, 分别计算各部分的改进 Ha u s d o r f f 距离, 然后进行加权计算相似度。利用该方法, 在 A S M( 主动形状模型) 定位人脸的基础上进 行了人脸检索。 实验表明, 利用人脸相似度计算方法对人脸特征库进行搜索, 达到 了较好的效果。同时结合 A S M 自动人脸检测, 本 方法可以全自动完成人脸匹配, 应
- 本文提出了一种应用在物体三维形状检测技术中处理物体旋转不便性的一种方法。-In this paper,we propose a new methodology in 3D shape retrieval to resolve rotation invariance problem.
- 该论文具有内容图像检索功能,根据颜色,形状,纹理以达到搜索的目的。熟练应用c++语言编译代码。-The paper has content image retrieval function, according to color, shape and texture to achieve the purpose of search. Proficient in code c++ compiler.
- matlab 对基于形状的图像检索的算法 其中以七个不变矩为主要方法-matlab shape-based image retrieval algorithm for which the seven invariant moments as the main method! ! ! ! ! !
- matlab 基于形状的图像检索算法 关于七个不变矩的主要算法 中 主要体现出 输入输出 的步骤! -matlab image retrieval algorithm based on the shape of seven invariant moments on the main algorithm is mainly reflected the input and output of the steps! ! ! ! ! ! !
- matlab 基于形状的图像检索算法 关于七个不变矩的主要算法 中 主要体现出 输入输出 的步骤! -matlab image retrieval algorithm based on the shape of seven invariant moments on the main algorithm is mainly reflected the input and output of the steps! ! ! ! ! ! !
- Image retrieval C++. A prototype system that allows the user to perform image matching based on at least one of the following visual attributes: - (a) shape (b) Color Assumed that the given query is a sample image where the retrieved im
- 在图像检索中需要利用对图像的形状处理,本代码求7个HU不变矩-In image retrieval need to use the shape of the image processing, the code same moment seeking 7 HU
- 介绍了一个基于特征的图象查询和检索系统.该系统由查询模块、特征提取和描述模块、匹配模块、图象显示模块和图象库管理模块组成.系统既支持基于颜色、纹理、形状的单一特征查询,也支持结合不同特征的更符合视觉要求的综合特征查询.该系统已结合实际图象库进行了查询和检索实验,文中给出一些实际检索结果. -Describes a feature-based image query and retrieval system. The system consists of query module, featu
- Content-based medical image retrieval is now getting more and more attention in the world, a feasible and efficient retrieving algorithm for clinical endoscopic images is urgently required. Methods: Based on the study of single feature image retr
- 一个Java实现的基于内容的图像检索工具包,可用来提取图像的颜色特征、纹理特征(Gabor Filter)以及形状特征,并在此基础上判断图像相关性。-Java implementation of a content-based image retrieval toolkit, which can be used to extract the image' s color features, texture features (Gabor Filter), and shape feature
- 基于内容的图像检索,包括纹理、形状、颜色-Content-based image retrieval, including texture, shape, color
- 基于内容的图像检索技术的关键在于特征提取,是利用图像的颜色、形状、纹理、轮廓、对象的空间关系等客观独立的存在于图像中的基本视觉特征作为图像的索引,计算查询图像和目标图像的相似距离,按相似度匹配进行检索。综合国内外研究现状,可将基于内容的图像检索技术分为如下几种类型:基于颜色特征的检索、基于纹理特征的检索、基于形状及区域的检索、基于空间约束关系的检索。-Based on comparing various affine invariant regional basis, selection of
- 基于颜色直方图和形状不变矩相结合的图像检索-Based on color histogram and shape invariant moments combined image retrieval