- % COMPDIR Computes a search direction in a subspace defined by Z. % Helper function for NLCONST. % Returns Newton direction if possible. % Returns random direction if gradient is small. % Otherwise, returns steepest descent direction. % I
- 经典的MUSIC算法,由特征值分解得到噪声子空间,再进行谱峰搜索-Classic MUSIC algorithm, the eigenvalue decomposition noise subspace, then the peak search
- MUSIC方法,对相关矩阵分解为噪声子空间和信号子空间,然后搜索得到需要估计的频谱-MUSIC method, the decomposition of the correlation matrix for the noise subspace and signal subspace, then search to get the spectrum to be estimated
- 把目标的每个颜色子空间量化为k份后,建立目标模型,在该模型型上运用meanshift进行搜索找到最佳位置。 已通过测试。 -Quantified for each target color subspace k copies after the establishment of the target model and the model type to use meanshift search to find the best location. Has been tested.
- 子空间拟合算法,空间谱估计算法的一种,适用于多维搜索,欢迎指正!-Subspace fitting algorithm, a spatial spectrum estimation algorithm for multi-dimensional search, please correct me!
- 信号子空间拟合,用matlab实现ssf算法,实现多维搜索,信号定位。-Signal subspace fitting algorithms to achieve ssf matlab, achieve multi-dimensional search, signal positioning.
- 三维子空间music 方位角定义为与x轴的夹角,俯仰角定义为与z轴之间的夹角,俯仰角在0—90度,方位角0-180. 分辨不相关的两个角成功概率/估计偏差与SNR 最后进行谱峰搜索-Dimensional subspace music is defined as the angle and azimuth angle, pitch angle is defined as the x-axis and z-axis between the pitch angle of 0-9
- Clique 子空间聚类算法 自底向上搜索-Clique Subspace clustering algorithm Bottom-up search
- 行人重定位算法,识别效果非常好,有源码和文章-Person re-identification is an important technique towards automatic search of a person’s presence in a surveillance video. Two fundamental problems are critical for person re-identification, feature representation and me
- 两个subspace search算法代码(two subspace search codes)
Design Explorer 99 SE
- 波达方向(DOA)估计的基本问题就是确定同时处在空间某一区域内多个感兴趣的信号的空间位置(即多个信号到达阵列参考阵元的方向角)。最早的也是最经典的超分辨DOA估计方法是著名的MUSIC方法,MUSIC是多重信号分类(Multiple Signal Classification)的英文缩写。它是由R.O. Schmidt于1979年提出来的,由1986年重新发表的。MUSIC算法利用了信号子空间和噪声子空间的正交性,构造空间谱函数,通过谱峰搜索,检测信号的DOA.(The basic proble
- COMPDIR computes a search direction in a subspace defined by Z. % [SD,dirType] = compdir(Z,H,gf,nvars,f) returns a search direction for the % subproblem 0.5*Z'*H*Z + Z'*gf. Helper function for NLCONST. SD is Newton % direction if possible. SD is
- 提出了一种基于改进最优流和遗传算法的配电网重构算法.该算法先利用配电网的同胚图将重构问题的全局寻优空间划分为若干子空间,然后利用改进最优流法寻找子空间内的最优解,之后再利用遗传算法搜索全局最优解所在的子空间,从而实现在局部最优解中寻找全局最优解.(A distribution network reconfiguration algorithm based on improved optimal flow and genetic algorithm is proposed. First, the