- NT中通过PDH得到系统计量数据 NT中通过PDH得到系统计量数据-NT systematically through PDH NT measurement data through PDH system to be measured data
- 系统的讲解了ucos2,得每个程序都进行了分析,适用于8/16单片机开发-This book systematically introduce the ucos2 ,and analyse every program in the book ,It applies the 8/16 bit singlechip computer development
- 计算机故障智能诊断系统 用户输入计算机的故障症状 即可由系统得出故障原因和相关的处理方法-Diagnose the system in computer s trouble intelligence Users input the trouble symptom of the computer Can be had cranky reason and relevant treatment methods systematically
- 手机联网考试系统 由于多因素影响,人们存在着不同程序的心理问题。这些因素影响着人们的心理健康,,为了对心理健康善进行系统地分析研究。科学地防治,准确的,找出影响心理卫生的因素。快速而准确地查出心理障碍者,开发了这套手机网络心理测试系统。-phone network test system as a number of factors, the existence of people of different procedures to psychological problems. Thes
- Tribe FloodNet 2k Distributed Denial Of Service Network 分布式拒绝服务工具的源代码,下面为英文说明: TFN can be seen as the yet most functional DoS attack tool with the best performance that is now almost impossible to detect. What is my point in releasing th
- 《Visual C++_MATLAB图像处理与识别实用案例精选》本书系统地介绍了图像处理与识别的基本原理、典型方法和实用技术。全书共分12章,第1章-第6章是图像处理与识别的基础内容,包括图像科学综述、MATLAB语言图像编程、图像增强、图像分割、图像特征提取和图像识别;第7章-第10章是图像处理与识别的工程实例,涵盖了医学图像处理、文字识别和自导引小车路径识别等应用实例,并结合理论算法,提供了大量MATLAB代码程序,以帮助读者掌握如何使用MATLAB语言快速进行算法的仿真、调试和估计等方法。
- 本书系统地论述了Agent和多Agent系统的原理、方法、技术、工具和应用实例,并总结了作者在该领域的研究成果和国内外同行的研究工作。本书叙述简明、结构清晰,着反映了Agent和多Agent系统方面的新观点、新思路和新成果,可作为... -the book systematically described the Agent and Multi-Agent System principles, methods, technology, examples of tools and appli
- 本程式為使用Verilog語言寫控制DRAM的控制模塊, 可以簡易的控制DRAM IC, 本程式已經過系統驗證.-program for the use of the Verilog language to write the control of DRAM control module, be easy to control DRAM IC, the program has been systematically verified.
- 比较系统地介绍了手机测试、手机的操作系统、手机软件等方面的内容。-systematically introduced a test phone, cell phone operating systems, cell phone software aspects.
- 关机、重启、注销、XPVB源代码已经经过系统测试-shutdown and restart, canceled, XPVB source code has been systematically testing
- 西安电子科技大学出版的VC++高级编程技巧与示例,其中全面系统地讲述了VC++高级编程技术的实现方法,包括ADO,COM,ODBC,DAO等技术的实例源码,所有代码都必须使用Visual C++6.0 以上的版本编译,此外,把本光盘中的示例拷贝到硬盘上后,如果VC++读取有问题,则是工程文件的属性为只读所致,只要将文件的只读属性去掉即可。-Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology published by the VC a
- 全面系统地总结了matlab中用于图像图形处理的命令-comprehensively and systematically summed up the images used Matlab graphics processing orders
- C语言试题库及出题系统,可以导入试题,定制试卷,出题及修改试题,同时带上标准答案.-C language and the questions out systematically, into the questions, customized paper, and revise the topic questions, Meanwhile onto the standard answer.
- 很基础的一些知识,不过要系统详尽的学习一门语言,还得从这些基础做起.-some very basic knowledge, but must systematically detailed study a language, it has to start from the foundation.
- Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第6章 文件和系统操作 本章共11个实例: 1. FolderCopy文件夹的选择和拷贝 2. DeleteCertainFile删除指定路径下的某种类型的文件 3. FileModiNotify当文档(文件)被修改时在标题上给出提醒 4. OpenHtm打开Html网页 5. FileMapping使用内存映射文件来传输共享数据 6. ChageTime改变系统时间 7. StartUpProg让系统启动时
- How the K-mean Cluster work Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the f
- Abstract:It惴 described systematically the architecture and function of the software of Railway Auto-ticketing System as well as its charac— ter~tic and demand。Analysized the 8oftware middleware and messaged oriented middleware(MOM),discussed the f
- 系统介绍了消息传递界面MPI 基础-集群通信 与派生数据类型-Systematically introduce the message passing interface MPI-based- cluster communications and derived data types
- 本书系统地论述了Agent和多Agent系统的原理,方法,技术,不错(This book systematically expounds the Agent and the principle of multi Agent system, method, technology, good)
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- This book systematically introduces a variety of code optimization programming techniques.