- Thinkphp5.0仿百度糯米多商家电商源码(System php: This feature is to achieve the students add, delete, modify, Student Ratings of Teaching, teachers add, modify or delete functions of teachers)
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- Happy two level domain distribution system kldns ThinkPHP5.0 framework developed based on domain name resolution platform supports DNSPod, cloudxns, aliyun, dnscom, DNSLA, multi-user, multi domain, multi platform exist at the same time, the interface
- ApiAdmin is based on ThinkPHP5.0 development, API oriented background management system!
- DophinPHP (dolphin PHP) is a rapid development framework for the development of ThinkPHP5.0.3 based on open source PHP, adhering to minimalism, speed, the ultimate development of philosophy, for the development of integrated data - role-based permiss
- Minimalist community, intended to minimalist, more functional requirements, can be achieved through plug-ins; Minimalist community background production for general background, collection of database backup and restore, access control, background me
- byCms是一套简单,易用的内容管理系统,基于thinkphp5.0.9,包含文章,图片,下载,视频模型,旨在帮助开发者节约web应用后台开发时间和精力,以最快的速度开发出高质量的web应用。包含pc端,手机端,微信端,安卓app,苹果app,多端数据同步!(ByCms is a simple, easy-to-use content management system, based on thinkphp5.0.9, including articles, pictures, download
- 简单的cms管理系统,可二次开发完全开源。(Simple CMS management system, can be developed two times, fully open source.)
wemall-7 (2)
- Wemall商城7.0 开源系统,基于thinkphp5开发,支持composer,优化核心,减少依赖,基于全新的架构思想和命名空间(Wemall mall 7 open source system, based on thinkphp5 development, support composer, optimize the core, reduce dependence, based on the new architecture ideas and namespaces)
- Thinkphp5.0 官方唯一的,谢谢合作(Thinkphp5.0 public function)
- thinkphp开发说明,完全开发手册,详细说明(thinphp development attach)
- A rapid development framework for the development of a set of ThinkPHP5.0.3 based on open source PHP, DophinPHP speed, the ultimate minimalist, adhering to the concept of development, for the development of integrated data - role-based permission man
- B2C商城系统基于ThinkPHP5.0开发,商用免费,四网合一,满足用户、企业、开发者、服务商等角色要求。(B2C mall system based on ThinkPHP5.0 development, commercial free, four nets one, to meet users, enterprises, developers, service providers and other role requirements.)
- A minimal forum program based on ThinkPHP5 development. It is very light, exquisite, very suitable for a beautiful and simple community. At the same time, it is a set of general management platform, the background design can be used to open source an
- 测试,基于thinkphp5.0开发的前台功能,页面使用bootstrap3作为前端页面框架(bootstrap3 for frontend page)
- yershop是基于thinkphp5.0.9,具有建站便捷、扩展丰富、二次开发灵活,以及支持云服务的特点,适合企业及个人快速构建个性化网上商店。 yershop采用模块化的架构设计思想,对目录结构规范做了调整,可以支持多模块应用的创建,让应用的扩展更加方便,基于MVC(Model-View-Controller,模型-视图-控制器)模式,并且均支持多层(multi-Layer)设计,全面采用命名空间方式定义和加载类库文件,有效的解决多个模块之间的冲突问题,并且实现了更加高效的类库自动加载机制
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- ThinkPHP5.0 practical development of personal blog teaching video containing source source package 3G Baidu SkyDrive download link
- thinkphp5.0 入口文件入口文件入口文件(Thinkphp5.0 entry file)
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