- 一个opengl的例子,主要是运用纹理等技术-an opengl example is the use of texture major technology
- Draw Sin with VC++!no twinkle!
- Twinkle is a SIP based VoIP client.
- This a matlab program for music synthesis (Twinkle twinkle)... This programme generate audio wave file for twinkle twinkle music.-This is a matlab program for music synthesis (Twinkle twinkle)... This programme generate audio wave file fo
- twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are. up above the world so high. like a diamond in the sky.-twinkle twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are. up above the world so high. like a diamond in the sky.
- 1.实现中断嵌套 2.使用定时器4,采用中断方法实现RUN LED闪烁,频率为5hz, 3.使用外部中断0,控制RUN LED是否闪烁。-1. Achieve interrupt nested 2. Use timer 4, the interrupt method RUN LED flash, frequency for 5 hz, 3. Use external interruption 0, control whether RUN LED twinkle.
- 数码管闪烁显示0~9,便于初学者理解数码管显示原理,很经典~-Digital tube twinkle show 0 ~ 9, facilitate beginners understand digital pipe display principle, it was a classic ~
- 用进度条制作的可以闪烁的指示灯,并且可以控制闪烁的频率-Progress made in the article, the light can blink,And can control the twinkle of the frequency
- 准备两个CAN板子,连接两个CAN接口,两个板子都下载本程序。 本实验通过CAN总线控制另外一个板子的LED2~LED5闪烁的例子,如果通信正常可以看到两个板子的LED都再闪烁, 如果通信失败或者断开通信线,LED不再闪烁-Prepare two CAN board, connecting the two CAN interface, two board are download the program. This experiment through the CAN bus con
- 嵌入式的led闪烁实验程序及电路仿真和实验结果,包裹程序和电路。-Led twinkle of embedded experiment procedure and circuit simulation and experimental results, parcel procedures and circuit. Led twinkle of embedded experiment procedure and circuit simulation and experimental results
- 基于VHDL的数字时钟,包含设置时间,闹钟,以及整点报时的功能。设置时间和闹钟时数码管闪烁。-Based on VHDL digital clocks, including setting time, alarm clock, and the function of the time on the hour. Set a time when the alarm clock and digital tube twinkle.
- matlab 制作歌曲 最炫民族风 满天都是小星星等-matlab produce songs coolest Ethnic twinkle little star
- 1、首先用串口线将USART1与PC连接 2、通过JLIK下载后 按下复位键S4,程序开始运行 3、LD1闪烁 TFT显示蓝色字符串 “FireBull RTC example” 4、超级终端打印信息“Please Set Hours” 键入“12” 打印信息“Please Set Minutes” 键入“10” 打印信息“Please Set Seconds” 键入“10” 完成人机交互,输出时间 Time:12:10:10-1, first of all
- 一闪 的小星星很是可爱,在这里你可以看到星星不断的闪烁,形成美丽的图形。- Twinkle, twinkle, little star is very cute, here you can see the stars continue to flash, forming beautiful graphics.
- 利用MATLAB制作合成音乐播放,可以作为GUI插入的背景音乐,歌曲为一闪一闪亮晶晶,供给初学者参考-Using MATLAB to make synthetic music playback, can be used as a GUI insert background music, songs to twinkle twinkle little star, to supply reference for beginners
- 实现功能: 通过按键设置4个不同的参数。 有2个窗口。每个窗口显示2个参数。 第8,7,6,5位数码管显示”P-1 ”代表第1个窗口,显示”P-2 ”代表第2个窗口。第4,3位数码管显示该窗口下其中一个参数,第2,1位数码管显示该窗口下其中另外一个参数。每个参数的范围是从0到99。 有四个按键。 一个是切换窗口按键,依次按下此按键,会依次切换窗口显示。一个是“光标闪烁”按键,依次按下此按键,每两位数码管会依次处于闪烁的状态,哪两位数码管处于闪烁状态时,此时按加键或者减键
- 基于stm32f4的水下超声波测距:包括PWM输出到LED控制LED的亮度,KEY接外部中断,调节PWM占空比,定时器3中断,调节LED2闪烁,LCD显示AD采样值。-Based on the underwater ultrasonic ranging stm32f4: including PWM output to the LED control LED brightness, KEY external interrupt, adjust the PWM duty cycle, timer i
- 通过STM32的IO口的高低电平控制,实现经典的跑马灯实验,控制两个LED交替闪烁。-Let the led light twinkle one by one by controlling IO of STM32 s IO .
- 我曾经开发过Twinkle File Manger,它是asp版本的文件管理。为了统一名称,将其改名。 Twinklous File Manager提供了较为美观的界面,是您管理服务器上文件的实用工具。-I have worked on Twinkle File Manger, it is asp version of the file management. In order to unify the name, it was renamed. Twinklous File Manager p
- Twinklous Vblog是一个基于PHP5+Mysql的博客程序。 当前,网络上的有许多优秀的博客程序。比如Wordpress,PJBlog,ZBlog,他们都有自己的特点。-Twinkle Vblog is based on PHP5+ Mysql s blog program. Currently, there are many excellent blog program on the network. Such as Wordpress, PJBlog, ZBlog, they h