- 语音的播放源码 可以播放不连续的音频 比较不错的实例 大家看看吧-sound player source code,can play un-continuum sound.A good example.
- -- KeYl0gByMe -- Il s agit d un petit keylogger tout simple. Il logs tout les types de touches. Le fichier logs se met ?la racine du disque dur principal. Le fichier en question se nomme : stsvc.txt Cr閍teur : benozor77. Courri
- The subject which is to us propos¨¦ is as follows: calculation of the degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance d¡ ¯ un logical program possibilist in C++. We thus work on a logical program possibilist, it be-¨¤-statement a logical prog
- 基于Volterra滤波器混沌时间序列多步预测 作者:陆振波,海军工程大学 欢迎同行来信交流与合作,更多文章与程序下载请访问我的个人主页 电子邮件:luzhenbo@sina.com 个人主页:luzhenbo.88uu.com.cn 参考文献: 1、张家树.混沌时间序列的Volterra自适应预测.物理学报.2000.03 2、Scott C.Douglas, Teresa H.-Y. Meng, Normalized Data Nonlineariti
- This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometric, spectral, geometric spectral, and coordinate bisection. It also has routines to generate recursive multiway partitions, vertex separators, and nes
- 医院门诊查询系统,jsp实例,适合做毕业设计,由运行时源文件和供开发使用的程序及数据库,比较齐全 将运行演示程序中的hospital文件夹全部考到Tomcat的webapps下 在Tomcat中创建虚拟目录,步骤如下: (1)打开浏览器进入Tomcat后台管理页面(/admin) (2)在左面打开Tomcat Server/Service/Host(localhost) (3)在context action 中选择Creat New Context (4)在documen
- he FileStorage component capable to upload and hold any data files within your Delphi/BCB forms (within the body of the EXE-program). If your software requires any additional files (.DLL s, WAV s, .TXT s etc), these files could be uploaded straight o
- SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-co
- Table of contents: A. Insallation (New installation) B. Upgrade from previous beta 2 C. Upgrade from beta 1 D. License E. Version history A. Installation (New installation) ----------------------------------------- Upload
- 细胞识别统计系统用VC写的程序 AppWizard has created this Cell application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes-cell identification statistical systems with VC written procedures AppWizard has crea
- This project is to show the tree I dreamed when I first met the ternary tree concept. When I came upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It s amazing that an idea so simplistic could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws... the first one is the memory
- DELPHI编程网站,源码,技巧,方法,工具网站-DELPHI
- tatouage inform bas sur un treillis application a la video
- Cliente y servidor de un chat, con RDT 2.2
- this for un seen visible watermarking after done the gamma correction you can see he wateramared image with watermark -this is for un seen visible watermarking after done the gamma correction you can see he wateramared image with watermark
- creation d un programme su labview pour déterminer les caractéristique d un PV
Simulation d'un banc de poisson
- Logiciel de simulation d'un Banc de poisson pour l'initiation au tratement d'image
Registro de un Avion
- Registro basico de un avion usando estructuras.
- Calcular el area de un triangulo con el valor de sus tres lados
- Un-demineur-original.zip