- 硕士学位论文捷联惯性系统初始对准研究 惯导系统的初始对准是影响系统使用性能的关键技术之一,对准的精度与速度直接关系到惯性统的精度与启动特性。对卡尔曼滤波及其在初始对准中的应用进行了研究。首先介绍了卡尔曼滤波理论的应用背景,然后推导了离散卡尔曼滤波方程,并对连续系统的状态方程进行离散化提出了适用于舰载捷联惯性系统的动基座对准的2通道10个状态变量和2通道12个状态变量的系统动态模型,并建了相应的速度匹配和位置匹配量测模型。 -master's degree thesis SINS
- This a collection of MATLAB functions for extended Kalman filtering, unscented Kalman filtering, particle filtering, and miscellaneous other things. These utilities are designed for reuse and I have found them very useful in many projects. The code h
- :该文把局部三值模式(Local Ternary Patterns, LTP)纹理特征引入Mean Shift 跟踪算法,提出了基于多 特征的Mean Shift 人脸跟踪算法以解决Mean shift 跟踪算法的鲁棒性问题。通过对LTP 纹理特征的分析、研究, 提出了一个LTP 关键纹理模型,既增强了目标的关键纹理信息,又简化了LTP 纹理模型。在此基础上,提出一 种基于LTP 关键纹理特征和肤色特征的Mean Shift 人脸跟踪算法,有效地解决了Mean Shift 算法的鲁棒
- matlab实现卡尔曼滤波算法,图形显示滤波轨迹和速度,以及滤波的标准差-Kalman filter algorithm to achieve matlab, graphical display trajectory and speed filtering, as well as the standard deviation of filtering
- 用vc来写的卡尔曼滤波程序实现了车辆惯性导航系统的卡尔曼滤波,包括定位结算,姿态校正,速度校正等-Vc to write with Kalman filtering process to achieve a vehicle inertial navigation system of the Kalman filter, including the positioning settlement, posture correction, the speed of correction
- 卡尔曼滤波器在雷达上的应用,用于估计飞机的速度,有原始数据-Kalman filter in radar applications, used to estimate the speed of the aircraft, there are raw data
- scince directe: Speed and rotor flux estimation of induction machines using a two-stage extended Kalman filter
- 在运动的位置叠加噪声。进行JPDA概率数据关联及kalman滤波。 两运动目标在x-y平面做匀速直线运动。初始位置是(4000,1200)(300,1500)速度分别是(200,200)(400,200)传感器对量目标进行位置状态量测。 采样间隔T=1,点数n=80.检测概率为1,正确量测落入跟踪内的概率为0.99,杂波均匀分布的密度为2个/km2由RAND函数产生在[0,1]上均匀分布的随机变量,跟踪门限为9.21。 -Superimposed noise in the posit
- 对目标进行卡尔曼滤波,绘制出了该算法的跟踪效果、预测位置和更新位置的对比图、预测速度和更新速度的对比图。-Kalman filtering of targets drawn out of the tracking performance of the algorithm to predict the location and updated comparison chart position to predict the speed and update rate comparison char
- 载机跟踪高速高机动目标时,使用交互式多模型算法,该算法中又用平方根容积卡尔曼滤波器进行滤波。-When the carrier aircraft tracking high-speed maneuvering targets, using interactive multiple model algorithm in the Kalman filter is also used to filter the square root of the volume.
- 部分实现了追踪测速迭代松弛算法,这是第二能量熵的matlab代码,各种kalman滤波器的设计。- Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, This is the second energy entropy matlab code, Various kalman filter design.
- 卡尔曼滤波,用于目标跟踪和预测,包括计算目标的航向航速-Kalman filter for target tracking and prediction, including the calculation of the target speed course
- 卡尔曼滤波,用于目标跟踪和预测,包括计算目标的航向航速-Kalman filter for target tracking and prediction, including the calculation of the target speed course
- 这是非常好的滤波算法,一般在做雷达或导航时,求速度或位置时用,比卡尔曼滤波好用-This is a very good filtering algorithm, usually in the radar or navigation, seeking speed or position when used, better than Kalman filtering
- 非常适合计算机视觉方面的研究使用,各种kalman滤波器的设计,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像。- Very suitable for the study using computer vision, Various kalman filter design, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image.
Rotor resistance and speed identification
- Rotor resistance and speed identification using extended Kalman filter and fuzzy logic controller for induction machine drive
- gps-ins导航包括定位结算,姿态校正,速度校正等,也包括惯性导航系统的模型建立,结算,白噪声,(GPSins Kalman filtering, including clearing positioning, posture correction, the speed correction, including inertial navigation system model, clearing, white noise, etc.)
- 工具箱主要功能: 1) 姿态向量、四元数、矩阵、滤波算法等各类子程序 2) 圆锥运动仿真 划船运动仿真 惯性器件随机误差仿真 3) Kalman滤波初始对准 基于惯性系初始对准 罗经法初始对准 大方位失准角EKF初始对准 大失准角UKF初始对准 速度+姿态传递对准 4) 纯惯性导航SINS仿真 航位推算、SINS/DR仿真 SINS/GPS组合仿真 GPS/BD/GLONASS单点伪距定位 SINS/GPS松/紧组合 POS正逆向数据处理与信息融合仿真 5)((Toolbox main func
- 电机的MATLAB仿真程序,采用了卡尔曼滤波,对定子电流进行估计,并估算出转子的位置和速度(Kalman filter is used in MATLAB simulation program to estimate the stator current and the rotor position and speed.)