- 神经网络的样本值对整个网络能否正常运行及误差的大小非常重要,因此本程序不采用让用户自己输入样本植的方法,而自动设定了样本值 该网络采用的作用函数为Sigmoid函数,即f(x)=1/(1+e-x)。网络先对输入的样本值进行训练,当达到规定的训练次数或者网络的整体误差达到规定的精确度时就停止训练。此后,可以输入成绩运行网络得出运行结果。 -neural network for the entire sample values of normal network operation and
- NN Functions a program in Lisp to demonstrate working of an artificial neuron. (Enter an input vector X and weight vector W. Calculate weighted sum XW. Transform this using signal or activation functions like logistic, threshold, hyperbolic-tangent
- artificial neural network, simple multi layer back propagation training algorithm with tan-sigmoid as the activation function.
- Elman神经网络:Elman网络是 J. L. Elman于1990年首先针对语音处理问题而提出来的, 它是一种典型的局部回归网络( global feed for ward l ocal recurrent)。Elman网络可以看作是一个具有局部记忆单元和局部反馈连接的前向神经网络。Elman网络具有与多层前向网络相似的多层结构。它的主要结构是前馈连接, 包括输入层、 隐含层、 输出层, 其连接权可以进行学习修正 反馈连接由一组“结构 ” 单元构成,用来记忆前一时刻的输出值, 其连接权值是固
- Image processing usually refers to digital image processing, but optical and analog image processing also are possible. This article is about general techniques that apply to all of them. The acquisition of images (producing the input image in the fi
- BP神经网络 c++实现 可以自定义网络规模以及学习速率,BP只支持sigmoid网络-BP neural network implementation
- 逻辑回归,机器学习相关内容,内有说明,基于matlab仿真-ex2.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through the exercise ex2 reg.m- Octave scr ipt for the later parts of the exercise ex2data1.txt- Training set for the rst half of the exercise ex2data2.txt- Training s
- 多分类学习及神经网络,机器学习相关,基于matlab计算-ex3.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through part 1 ex3 nn.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through part 2 ex3data1.mat- Training set of hand-written digits ex3weights.mat- Initial weights for the
- 神经网络学习,基于matlab仿真,机器学习相关知识-ex4.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through the exercise ex4data1.mat- Training set of hand-written digits ex4weights.mat- Neural network parameters for exercise 4 submit.m- Submission scr ipt that sends you
- 该算法是将sigmoid函数的变形函数应用到自适应遗传算法中,并将作业车间调度问题中的完工时间大小作为算法的评价指标,实现了交叉率和变异率随着完工时间的非线性自适应调整,较好地克服了标准遗传算法在解决作业车间调度问题时的“早熟”和稳定性差的缺点,以及传统的线性自适应遗传算法收敛速度慢的缺点。-The algorithm is the deformation function sigmoid function is applied to the adaptive genetic algorithm
- sigmoid函数硬件实现,verilog代码及其测试用例-Sigmoid function hardware implementation, verilog code and test cases
- Sigmoid的参数求解matlab源代码,可以嵌入到各种机器学习问题中使用,(The parameters of the Sigmoid solve the matlab source code, can be embedded in a variety of machine learning problems in use,)
- 建立BP神经网络, 12个隐层神经元,4个输出神经元 tranferFcn属性 'logsig' 隐层采用Sigmoid传输函数 tranferFcn属性 'logsig' 输出层采用Sigmoid传输函数 trainFcn属性 'traingdx' 自适应调整学习速率附加动量因子梯度下降反向传播算法训练函数 learn属性 'learngdm' 附加动量因子的梯度下降学习函数(The BP neural network is established, with 12 hidden la
Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression - a Classification method using the mnist DB, with sigmoid function and gradient ascent for optimization
- BP神经网络的主程序,已经调试成功。其中传递函数可以自己随意选用,sigmoid,pureline等函数。训练函数也可以自己设置,trainlm,trainbr等等(Back propagation neural network.)
- 本资源是3层的自编码器加上稀疏正则项约束的matlab代码。隐层激活函数选sigmoid函数,输出层选线性函数,程序中以一个标准数据集sonar为例,使用该方法可以做无监督表征学习,数据压缩,多任务学习等(This resource is a 3-layer self-encoder plus matlab code for sparse regular term constraints. The hidden layer activation function selects the sigm