- 可以放大鼠标所指位置的内容,放大比例可以调节.-can enlarge the mouse position referred to the content, zooming ratio can be adjusted.
- 显示内寸使用情况和CPU占用比例的图形类,在天极网上下的,经过部分修改-show RAM usage and CPU utilization ratio of the graphics category, Inc. in the Internet, after some changes
- How to retain the aspect ratio of an image while resizing.
- 1. 利用自相关函数法和周期图法实现随机信号的功率谱估计。 2. 观察数据长度、自相关序列长度、信噪比、窗函数、平均次数等对谱估计的分辨率、稳定性、主瓣宽度和旁瓣效应的影响。 -1. The use of auto-correlation function method and cycle map Method random signal power spectrum estimation. 2. Observation data length, the length of autoco
- 01 红外线温度仪是怎样工作的? 所有物体都会发出红外线能量。 物体越热,其分子就愈加活跃,它所发出的红外线 能量也就越多。 红外线温度仪包括有光学装置,可以收集来自物体的辐射红外线能 量,并把该能量聚焦在探测器上。 能量经探测器转化为电信号,并被放大、显示出 来。 02 红外线温度仪的回应时间为多少? 红外线温度仪的回应时间比大多数温度计快:大约0.5 秒。 03 目标的最大测量距离为多少? 这取决于温度仪中的光学装置的性能。 使用距离/尺寸之比及目标直径来确定
- 有关于OFDM系统的在AWGN信道下(BPSK调制)的信噪比分析.-on OFDM system in AWGN channel (BPSK modulation) signal-to-noise ratio analysis.
- 把Picture中的图片保存为Gif格式 把bmp文件保存为gif文件,没有使用任何Dll,完全使用VB实现。在压缩比上还有所欠缺,算法有待改进。-put the photographs to preserve Gif formats bmp file documents to gif, Dll not use any fully use VB. The compression ratio, which had been lacking, the algorithm needs improv
- 本作品是基于Windows平台使用Visual C++工具开发的多文档应用程序。本课题组成员在对DICOM3.0医学影像存储与传输的国际标准和JPEG 2000静态图像压缩标准学习的基础上,实现了基于JPEG 2000标准的医学图像高效压缩功能,压缩比可在1~300间可调;同时该软件兼容JPEG压缩,压缩比可在1~100间可调。该软件操作简单、界面友好,是PACS系统的一个重要组成部分,对于缓解传输带宽和存储容量的压力具有一定意义。-of the book is based on the Win
- 采用哈夫曼编码思想实现某个文件的压缩和解压缩功能,并提供压缩前后的文件占用空间之比.要求:(1)压缩前文件的规模应不小于5K.(2)提供原文件与压缩后文件的相同性比较功能.-achieving a file compression function, Compression and provide documents before and after the occupation of space ratio. : (1) compressed documents before the scal
- 一个OFDM系统的仿真程序,可看出信噪比与误码率之间的关系.-an OFDM system simulation program, we can see the signal-to-noise ratio and bit error rate of the relations between them.
- Given signal-to-noise ratio and bit error rate performance curve is a good beginner s reference program.
- 自动配料控制系统硬件1,完成混凝土自动配方,自动统计产量,也可以应用于其他需要以重量为单位进行配比的系统。硬件主要以51系列为主开发。-automatic batching control of a hardware system, automatic concrete formula, automatic statistical output, can also be applied to other needs to weight ratio for the unit system. Har
- 自动配料控制系统硬件2,完成混凝土自动配方,自动统计产量,也可以应用于其他需要以重量为单位进行配比的系统。硬件主要以51系列为主开发。用protel设计。-automatic batching control system hardware 2, concrete automatic prescr iption, automatic statistical output, can also be applied to other needs to weight ratio for the uni
- 自动配料控制系统硬件3,完成混凝土自动配方,自动统计产量,也可以应用于其他需要以重量为单位进行配比的系统。硬件主要以51系列为主开发。-automatic batching control system hardware 3, concrete automatic prescr iption, automatic statistical output, can also be applied to other needs to weight ratio for the unit system.
- 自动配料控制系统硬件4,完成混凝土自动配方,自动统计产量,也可以应用于其他需要以重量为单位进行配比的系统。硬件主要以51系列为主开发。-automatic batching control system hardware 4, concrete automatic prescr iption, automatic statistical output, can also be applied to other needs to weight ratio for the unit system.
- QPSK在加性高斯白噪声环境下,信噪比和误码率的仿真。 先产生一个四组符号的序列,再将该序列映射到对应的相位上。用相应的函数产生均值为零、方差为δ2的加性高斯噪声。 -QPSK the additive white Gaussian noise environment, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the simulation. First group have a four symbols of sequence, then this seque
- ofdm仿真器,外部功能。输入发射天线数和接收天线数,输出信噪比、误比特率-ofdm simulator, the external function. Importation fired several antennas and receiving antennas few, and the output signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rate
- 设采样频率为1Hz,对于淹没在复高斯白噪声中的信噪比为 的两个复LFM信号,采用子带带宽为0.1Hz的升余弦滤波器,共9个子带滤波器构成的滤波器组,时间窗为窗长为256的矩形窗,进行仿真-based sampling frequency of 1Hz. For drowned in the complex Gaussian white noise to the signal-to-noise ratio of 2 Minute LFM, using sub-band bandwidth of 0
- 在采样频率为1Hz,数据长度为1000点和信噪比为10dB的条件下,进行PPS信号的DPT迭代检测-the sampling frequency of 1Hz, data length of 1,000 points and 10dB signal-to-noise ratio for the conditions, PPS signal for the detection of DPT iterative
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort