- 采用微软力推的ASP.Net(C#)编写而成的烁空网络课堂系统, 主旨在在Internet上构建多个虚拟教室,营造师生互动的网络环境。 她比传统教室教学更为生动活泼,可以为学员提供时间上更灵活,没有地域限制,更高效率、更省费用的培训课程。-wake of the Microsoft ASP.Net (C#) has been prepared by the bright classroom space network system, the aim of the Internet buil
- ... 3 - 摘 要:本文介绍了一种智能电风扇的设计方案.该系统以Motorola . ..屏连接. 8 通道 10位的 A/D数模转换器. 8位键盘唤醒口 用于跟小键盘.. .预编电脑程序作不规则运转,配合风速键之设定,可分强自然风, 中自然... -... 3-Abstract : This paper presents an intelligent fans of the design. The system to Motorola. Link .. screen. 8-channel
- power button, short-press sleep/wake, long-press shutdown/powerup features-power button,short-press sleep/wake, long-press shutdown/powerup features
- 一个小巧的C++定时关机程序,除此之外,它还具备定时唤醒功能,程序在运行时候如果不想显示的话可点击“隐藏”按钮收起程序,转入后台运行。-A small C++ time off program, in addition, it also has regular wake-up function, the program displayed at run time if you do not want to click on the " Hide" button away pro
- 4串联图标蜂窝开始菜单,作者对背景选择进行了美化,具体效果请看截图! 注:该软件仅支持WM6.5系统和QVGA屏幕的机型 -Windows CE sleep 4 cellular Start menu icon in series, the authors selected for the landscaping of the background, the specific results see screenshot! Note: The software only support
- 78P153马达波形控制,高压升压电击控制,深度睡眠唤醒控制。-78P153 motor waveform control, high voltage boost electric shock, deep sleep wake control.