- 语音识别模块的性能指标: 高识别率:在一定的硬件环境下,平均准确率可达97%; 端点检测:在识别过程,具备端点检测功能; 实时识别:具有唤醒功能; 环境噪音:一定范围之内,仍可保证高识别率-speech recognition module performance indicators : high recognition rate : some of the hardware environment, average accuracy rate of up t
- CC1101的WOR电磁波唤醒的使用方法-CC1101 wake of WOR use of electromagnetic waves
- 网络唤醒调试程序 ,大家可以参考。-Wake on LAN debugger debugger.
- Special Issue A/2002 looked at cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones and the multi-million pounds market that has been created in its wake. Cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones was thought of as phenomenon, at its inception, but now is so comm
- Special Issue A/2002 looked at cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones and the multi-million pounds market that has been created in its wake. Cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones was thought of as phenomenon, at its inception, but now is so comm
- 硕士论文,设计了基于RFID的集装箱电子锁并讨论了电子标签的防碰撞机制。比较了目前常用的电子标签常用的防碰撞方法。在Aloha算法和时间片Aloha算法的基础上加以改进,可自动获取读头读取范围的标签ID清单并动态分配时间片给电子标签。在该算法 中融入系统低频唤醒和定时唤醒的特点,以降低电子标签的功耗。-Master' s thesis, the design of container-based RFID electronic lock and discussed the e-tag
- 一篇关于基于以太网的片上web service系统的文章-Wake on LAN Over the Internet as Web Service System on Chip
- 注册表存储与系统休眠唤醒的ppt资料,很实用的ppt-Registry to store and sleep wake ppt information very useful ppt
- 使用EOS的信号量,编程解决生产者—消费者问题,理解进程同步的意义。 调试跟踪EOS信号量的工作过程,理解进程同步的原理。 修改EOS的信号量算法,使之支持等待超时唤醒功能(有限等待),加深理解进程同步的原理。 -Semaphore using EOS programming to solve the producer- consumer issues, understand the significance of the process of synchronization. Th
- 提出了一种新颖的基于光学图像的航迹检测方法. 首先利用纹理分析方法判断待检测区域中是否含有航迹, 然后在通过判断的区域中使用条纹增强算法, 凸现航迹特征, 最后使用Radon 变换检测航迹, 并对结果进行了优化. 与现有的检测方法相比, 该方法针对性强, 复杂度低. 使用该方法对实际航拍图片进行了检测实验, 取得了很好的效果.-Track propose a novel detection method based on the optical image. Firstly texture an
- extract alan wake sounds.
- LPC800用户手册,内含详细寄存器介绍与使用。 LPC800 是基于ARM Cortex-M0+ 的低成本32 位MCU 系列产品,工作时CPU 频率高达 30 MHz。LPC800 支持最高16 kB 的闪存和4 kB 的SRAM。 LPC800 的外设包括:一个CRC 引擎、一个I2C 总线接口、多达三个USART、多达两个 SPI 接口、一个多速率定时器、自唤醒定时器、状态可配置定时器、一个比较器、采用开关 矩阵的功能可配置I/O 端口、一个输入模式匹配引擎和多
- 唤醒低功耗处理,简单易懂,可用于减低电流损耗。-Wake low-power processing, easy to understand and can be used to reduce current consumption.
- 风电场尾流模型的对比分析,对当前的尾流模型进行了计算分析,并分析其优缺点。-Comparison and analysis of model for wind farm wake, the wake model current are calculated, and the analysis of its advantages and disadvantages.
- Wake on lan 局域网唤醒程序 Wake on lan 局域网唤醒程序 -Wake on lanWake on lanWake on lanWake on lan
- 完全替换 PCA82C250 的 TJA 1 040 高速 CAN 总线收发器 特征 • 完全符合 ISO 11898 标准 • 速度高 高达 1Mbaud • 电磁辐射 EME 非常低 • 差动接收器具有较宽的共模范围 可抗电磁干扰 EMI • 处于不上电状态的收发器会从总线脱离 零负载 • 输入级符合 3.3V 和 5V 的器件 • 如果使用分裂终端 电压源可以稳定隐
- The TJA1040 is the interface between the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical bus. It is primarily intended for high speed applications, up to 1 MBaud, in passenger cars. The device provides differential transmit
- 本书由灵活的图解和生动的故事组成。沿着作者的这种介绍思路,通过本书的学习你将会发现你已经获得了一个理解今天的PC、数字多媒体和因特网的真实背景。无论你的技术水平怎样,本书都将会使你陶醉,并且很可能唤醒读者参与计算机事业。-The book consists of a flexible graphical and vivid tales. On this presentation along ideas, through study of this book you will find that
- 计算机应用技术 基于VB的远程唤醒软件的设计与实现-VB programming computer network remote wake-up