新建 文本文档d
- 如何将对话框客户区的背景设成透明的? 如题。客户区的背景能设成透明的么?如果有时间,非客户区的隐藏也讲讲啦!:-) 主要解答者: bcpl -customers how to box the background set as transparent? If that. The customer can set as background transparent? If there was time, the non-clients also talk about the hidden! :-)
- 要在VB上设计出很漂亮的界面是一个难题。不过呢,只要会Flash和PS,设计出超炫界面仅是一个小坎,下面小诺就来讲述如何把Flash嵌入VB中-In the VB design beautiful interface is a problem. However, as long as Flash and PS, the design of super Hyun interface is only a small ridge, the following little promise is to
- Direct programming plus collision detection of small talk(Direct programming plus a collision detection of small talk)