- Coming from an MFC background, I thought it was about time I embarked upon a new technological journey and learned how to develop fancy .NET applications, and impress everyone with my new found knowledge in C#. I ve since made a great deal of progres
- If you ve ever had listviews where some of the column headings would display better on multiple lines, this article is for you!-If you ve ever had listviews where some of th e column headings would display better on multi ple lines, this article is f
- This ReportCtrl control is an Outlook 98/2000 style SuperGrid control. I ve seen many implementations, most of them based on the standard CListCtrl. All implementations have their specific weaknesses. This implementation tries to overcome some of the
- 老外写的,比较老,可参考他是如何使用WTL的。-After using WTL for some time, I ve developed the control that I miss the most for the kind of project that I do : A grid. This one is written from scratch, derived from a CScrollWindowImpl, it has the following features :
- 虚拟列表控件使用起来非常简单。它总共只有三个相关的消息,如果你直接使用CListCtrl,应该在对话框中响应这三个消息。如果你使用CListCtrl派生类,可以在派生类中响应这三个消息的反射消息。这三个消息分别是: (1)LVN_GETDISPINFO 控件请求某个数据 (2)LVN_ODFINDITEM 查找某个数据 (3)LVN_ODCACHEHINT 缓冲某一部分数据(You may have noticed that the standard CListCtrl ge