- 用VC++编写的下个鼠标跟踪器,可以把所有的操作都记录下来.-VC prepared by the next mouse tracking device that can put all the operations are recorded.
- 这个FTP文件浏览对话框使你可以象浏览本地硬盘一样方便的浏览某个FTP服务器,而其调用又是最常用的DoModal形式。好使吧? -the FTP file browser dialog box allows you to browse local drives as easy as browsing a FTP service Treasury device, and its call is the most commonly used form DoModal. So?
- 拾取屏幕上的颜色,类似于Flash中的吸色器 -pick up on the screen colors, similar to the Flash of Color suction device
- 利用MFC编写一个简单的四则运算器。 程序基于Dialog,用户提供2个操作数和一个操作符(+,—,*,/,); 程序进行计算并显示运算结果,显示结果的控件不接收用户输入。 -Using MFC to write a simple arithmetic device. Program based on Dialog, provide two operands and an operator (+,-,*,/,) program calculates and displays the
- 数字闪烁对话框,数字1-9分别闪烁。 闪烁颜色以及时间、次数可以自行设置。 有需要刺激器的,可以尝试-Digital flashing dialog box, the numbers 1-9 were flashing. Flashing colors as well as time and frequency can be set up on their own. There is a need to stimulate the device, you can try
- 如何让CDC上输出的文字、图形具有保持功能,集合类CPtrArray的使用,CPaintDC与CClientDC的区别与应用,OnPaint与OnDraw在CView中的关系及实现内幕,滚动窗口的实现,坐标空间,映射方式,设备坐标与逻辑坐标的转换。-CDC on how to output text, graphics have to maintain function, CPtrArray the use of collections, CPaintDC with CClientDC and
- 是我们公司专业生产can总线设备的内部例程,忘分享给大家-Our company is specialized in the production can bus device' s internal routines, forget to share to everyone
- 设备描述表和图形对象,熟悉CDC的派生类-Device descr iptor table and graphic objects, familiar with the CDC-derived classes
- png背景对话框 PNG按钮 仿网络游戏极光世界登录器 移动时有点延迟,但PNG得图片小的话就不影响了-png PNG background dialog button imitation log online games aurora world move a little delay device, but the PNG image may not be affected if a small
- MFC消息映射机制的剖析,讲述如何运用ClassWizard,,理解发送给窗口的消息是如何被MFC框架通过窗口句柄映射表和消息映射表来用窗口类的函数进行响应的。掌握设备描述表及其封装类CDC的使用,CDC是如何与具体的设备发生关联的,融合具体的画图程序进行分析。如何设置封闭图形的填充刷子(位图画刷与透明画刷的使用)。-MFC message mapping scheme of analysis, about how to use the ClassWizard,, understand the
- 源码为C语言基于对话框的应用程序,可以检测USB设备的插入和拔出!-C language source code for the dialog-based applications, can detect USB device insertion and removal!
- 根据位图设置不规则的窗体,创建一个32位色的位图,并选进内存设备环境后显示。-Bitmap set according to the irregular form, creating a 32-bit color bitmap, and select the memory device into the environment after the show.
- 半透明对话框的实现 ① 创建一个与当前显示设备环境相兼容的位图对象 ② 创建一个与当前显示设备环境相兼容的内存设备环境 ③ 将位图对象选入到内存设备环境中 ④ 调用 BitBlt( ) 函数将显示设备环境中的图像拷贝到内存设备环境中来 ⑤ 对内存设备环境中的位图进行逐点亮度处理 ⑥ 在 OnPaint( ) 函数中将已处理的位图通过 BitBlt( ) 函数拷贝回显示设备环境 ⑦ 删除掉选入到内存设备环境中的位图对象以及设备环境对象 -① trans
- 一个简单的文档视图示例,介绍了Device Content的简单用法-Example of a simple view of the document, describes the simple use of Device Content
- 读写HID类:查找HID类GUID,通过GUID查找设备路径和设备名,用设备路径打开HID类设备,最后实现HID类设备的读写控制-Reading and writing HID class: find HID GUID class, through the search path and equipment GUID device name, use the device path open HID kind of equipment, and finally achieve HID of su
- impinj公司阅读器r420的 wisp 软件界面-the Impinj Read r420 device the wisp software interface
- wince操作系统应用程序的对话框编程示例源码。WindowsCE是微软公司嵌入式、移动计算平台的基础,它是一个开放的、可升级的32位嵌入式操作系统,是基于掌上型电脑类的电子设备操作系统.-wince operating system application the dialog programming examples source. WindowsCE Microsoft embedded mobile computing platform based, it is an open, sca
- • Windows API errors are converted to exceptions • Maps COM HRESULT to exceptions when appropriate • Direct2D wrapper classes • DirectWrite wrapper classes • Windows Imaging Component wrapper classes • Win
- 利用windows图形设备接口GDI,绘制了一个万花筒,这个程序可以学会在窗口里绘图。-Windows Graphics Device Interface GDI draw a kaleidoscope, this program can learn drawing in the window.
- 测试绘图坐标映射模式测试,设置逻辑坐标和设备坐标之间的映射模式,使输出到电脑显示器和打印机的图形一致。-The test drawing coordinate mapping mode test, set the mapping between logical coordinates and device coordinates, so that the output to the computer display and printer graphic consistent.