- 电机温升测试系统,适用于工作频率为50/60Hz的单/三相小功率异步电机(≤5KW)、串级电机、电动工具的绕组温升测量。适用于工作频率为50/60Hz的电源变压器、充电器、电感镇流器的绕组温升测量。带电原理:在带电工作情况下测量绕组的直流电阻,并用公式折算成温升。专为电动工具定子,转子温升测量而开发,其中定子采用带电法,转子采用断电法-motor temperature test system is applicable to the frequency of 50/60Hz single /
- 这是一些经典算法的描述,是由中国科学院的张法院士所编写的,对生物信息学有非常重要的意义。-This is the classical algorithm described by CAS academician Zhang law prepared by the Bioinformatics is a very important significance.
- 欢迎使用“培正商学院学生会网站调查系统”,英文名称“PeiZheng Vote”,该调查系统是由 “广州培正商学院学生会资讯部 晨曦”独立开发制作,享有版权,受中华人民共和国法律保护。 该软件为共享软件。-welcomed the use of "Pui Ching School of Business students site survey system," English name "PeiZheng Vote," the survey sy
- 软件设计师历年真题,有C语言题目的答案,而且有回溯法,递归等方法-software designers simulated calendar year, the C language is the subject of the answer, but is retroactive law, recursive methods
- 好东西 关于单片机的一些重要的代码本程序是操作系统中比较典型的线程同步算法中的哲学家进餐问题,为防止死锁,采取了两个条件(筷子空闲)同时满足时再允许进餐的办法来解决。期望与大家一起学习交流!-good things on SCM some important source of this procedure is more typical operating system threads simultaneously count the law on the issue of the Dinin
- 个人水平有限 空吧稳当也赶可 郁闷啊法啊法噶 啊 发达十分发啊是 - Individual level limited is spatial safely also catches up with may the melancholy law law 鍣?developed ten distribution be
- 哎,我只是想下载个你们网站共享的东西啊。怎么这么麻烦呢,不过我下载了还是要感谢你门的啊。谢谢。-hey, I just want to download a website you share things ah. How a law, but I downloaded or would like to thank you, ah the door. Thank you.
- concepts 是由Bjarne Stroustrup和Douglas Gregor撰写的你提交到iso c++委员会的描述泛型编程的concept检验的c++扩展语法的文件-concepts by Bjarne Stroustrup and Douglas Gr egor writing you submitted to the Commission iso c descr iption Generic Programming concept testing c extension lang
- 给出了多发射,多接收天线下MIMO信道容量的计算,采用灌水法则进行功率的分配。-given a multiple launch, under multi-receiver antenna MIMO channel capacity, used for irrigation power law distribution.
- 通过LU分解求矩阵的逆矩阵,可应用于反幂法的实现-through the matrix factorization for the inverse matrix can be used against the law to achieve power
- EWB做的多功能数字钟 由振荡器输出稳定的高频脉冲信号作为时间基准,经分频器输出标准的秒脉冲,秒计数器满60向分计数器进位,分计数器满60向小时计数器进位,小时计数器按“12翻1”规律计数,计数器经译码器送到显示器;计数出现误差可用校时电路进行校时、校分、校秒, 可发挥部分:使闹钟具有可整点报时与定时闹钟的功能。 -EWB done by the multi-function digital clock oscillator output stable high frequency
- 在此把这个程序献给那些对福利彩票3D玩法感兴趣的人,希望大家能通过这个程序 总结规律。Matlab程序如下,读者可以使用matlab软件运行即可,以往的数据采用记事 本文件进行显示。 -in this process dedicated to the welfare of those 3D Play Lottery interested persons, We hope that through this process summed up the law. Matlab p
- Pai has been a good sequence array. A few are imported, as called for under the original law will insert its array-Pai has been a good sequence array. A few are imported. as called for under the original law will insert its array
- 为纳福乐观可;个艰苦大使馆幻灯机法安放个体热情人其他人虽然台-to draw optimistic; Harsh law embassy projector placed in other individual enthusiasm Although Taiwan
- 数值模拟交通流模型Payne-weber压缩流体,可以看到许多交通现象 -numerical simulation model of traffic flow Payne-Weber's law compressed fluid, we can see that many transport phenomena
- 几个数值分析类MATLAB程序,内容如下:拉个朗日插值,三次样条插值法 ,NEWTON插值,hermite插值,mewton形式的hermite插值,平方根法-several types of numerical analysis computer program, which reads as follows : Take a Long Day interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, Newton-interpolation, Hermite
- 使用mediastreamer2的g711common.h. unsigned char s16_to_alaw(int pcm_val). 将16bit的原始样本encode 成为8bit的a-law码.-use mediastreamer2 the g711common.h. Unsign ed char s16_to_alaw (int pcm_val). to the original 16bit samples The encode into a 8 bit-law code.
- 使用冥法求特征值和特征向量。-law for the use of their offerings eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- 笔者首先提出了煤岩变形破裂过程电磁辐射与应力耦合的概念,然后在实验研究、理论分析和数值模拟的基础上从力电耦合的角度研究了煤岩冲击矿压预测的电磁辐射法(EME)。研究结果表明:FLAC3D方法能对矿山巷道掘进过程煤岩内部应力场进行有效的数值模拟 电磁辐射信号主要来源于应力集中区,在场点监测到的电磁辐射信号主要是应力集中区煤岩变形破裂过程产生的 EME信号呈现出与煤岩内部应力变化相同的规律 利用力电耦合方法研究煤岩冲击矿压电磁辐射预测法是可行的。笔者最后还对未来煤岩冲击矿压电磁辐射预测法的研究进行了
- 这是一种改进的单纯型法,有文挡也有程序,他是老师的心血,从中你可以得到很多的知识,-This is a simple improvement of the law, the text block has procedures, he is the teacher's efforts, from which you can get a lot of knowledge,