- 基于ejb技术的Hello程序,完整的实现了ejb的整体框架。通过该简单的例子,你能很容易的明白struts的实现原理和机制,能快速入门,有助于ejb的学习 -based on the Hello Bob technical procedures, the integrity of Bob achieve an overall framework. Through the simple example, you can easily understand the struts theory an
- sigenten is Very simple and nasty client --just send a hello world message.-sigenten is Very simple and nasty client -- just send a hello world message.
- 一款功能较为完善的网络防火墙 Hello ! What is SibairWall ? This a FireWall (a littke) in Visual Basic. The possible functions are : - See the currents open ports on your computer - Detect the possible intrusions by the most important Trojans !
OADV routing protocol implement in c++
- In AODV, routes are discovered in an on-demand basis and are maintained as long as they are required. Like DSDV it maintains a sequence number, which it increases each time it finds a change in the topology of its neighborhood. This sequence number e