- 三个实际的例子,来展示Q o S的使用。第一个例子使用的是T C P,它在三个例子中显得最“直接了当”,因为它是“面向连接”的。第二个例子使用U D P,而且没有使用任何连接调用。最后一个例子使用的则是多播U D P-three practical examples to demonstrate Q o S use.T C P The second example is the use of U P D, but did not use any connected call. A final e
- jabber 的配套测试工具(1)- 用于批量注册用户(./userreg -h host- u numerofusers -n beginwith)-jabber matching test tools (1) - for volume users (. / Userreg-h host-u numerofusers-n beginwith)
- N D I S协议驱动程序源代码用C语言完成,包括四个C语言源文件,分别为p a c k e t . c、o p e n c l o s . c、 r e a d . c和w r i t e . c。C语言头文件p a c k e t . h和资源文件p a c k e t . r c通过D D K提供的b u i l d工具编译生成驱动 程序可执行文件p a c k e t . s y s。-S I N D agreements driver source code using C l
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- This Windows NT Sample Network provider implements a small subsection of the NP interface. What it shows is how you can sample logon information when a logon is performed. This \"credential sampling\" is often useful for implementing uni
- 纯汇编编写的下载者 支持通过U盘传播 注入explorer.exe进程,无dll,注册成注册表启动-pure preparation of a compilation of those who download the U disk support through the dissemination into explorer.exe process, No dll, registered into the registry launched
- This a simple application that allows you to download a file from a web page (Visual C++ project files).-This a simple application that allows yo u to download a file from a web page (Visual C proj ect files).
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- 下载者U盘传染源码,能够自动复制文件到刚插入的U盘。-those who download the USB transmission source that can automatically copy files to the newly inserted U disk.
- Windows Sockets规范以U.C. Berkeley大学BSD UNIX中流行的Socket接口为范例定义了一套Micosoft Windows下网络编程接口。它不仅包含了人们所熟悉的Berkeley Socket风格的库函数;也包含了一组针对Windows的扩展库函数,以使程序员能充分地利用Windows消息驱动机制进行编程。
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