Windows 2000驱动程序开发大全设计指南
- Microsoft® Windows® 2000的驱动程序开发包(DDK)文档总览给您详尽的信息,这些信息对编写Windows2000平台任何类型的驱动程序都是必须的。本文档也描述了Windows Driver Model(WDM)驱动程序,这些驱动程序在Windows2000和Microsoft® Windows® 98平台之间是源码级兼容的-Microsoftreg Windows 2000 Driver Development Kit (DDK) to your d
2004-10-12_windows 2000驱动程序开发大全
- 本文档也描述了Windows Driver Model(WDM)驱动程序,这些驱动程序在Windows2000和Microsoft® Windows® 98平台之间是源码级兼容的。-This document also describes the Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver, the driver in Windows 98 and Windows platform Microsoftreg between source-compatible.
- This directory builds the Tape class driver for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. The class driver implements device-independent support, and exports support routines for device-specific tape miniclass drivers. It handles device-independent tape
- activatinf on xpu.reg on hostIF.
- Microsoft® Windows® 2000的驱动程序开发包(DDK)文档总览给您详尽的信息,这些信息对编写Windows2000平台任何类型的驱动程序都是必须的。本文档也描述了Windows Driver Model(WDM)驱动程序,这些驱动程序在Windows2000和Microsoft® Windows® 98平台之间是源码级兼容的-The Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Driver Development Kit (D
- FX2LP GPIF 是一款高度可配置、具有高度灵活性的硬件,使您能够充分利用 USB 2.0 设计,并适用于需外部主设备进行信息交换的应用。本文档可作为与 FX2LP GPIF 进行外设连接的 USB 2.0 的理想指南。 在提出基本 GPIF 概念前,本文档首先介绍了 EZ-USB® FX2LP™ 的基础架构,以便您对 GPIF 如何适用于总数据路径有一个透彻的了解。接着介绍了开发 GPIF 应用的方法。这便于您掌握组成一整套 GPIF 应用解决方案的关键组件,以及将 G
- application note focuses on the design of a synchronous FIFO master interface. A master initiates transfers, drives an address bus (if present), and usually supplies a clock to the slave. The slave device used in this design is another FX3 de
- HASP Dumper to Reg File for Emulator DMP to Reg file Convertor