- Computational Finance Using C and C# 使用 C 和 C# 計算財務 -Computational Finance Using C and C# “Think of Baxter and Rennie, add the pricing models from Wilmott and, to illustrate each model, Levy’s own Numerical Recipes in C and C#. Levy’s boo
- 定义员工类Employee以及它的继承类Manager和Director,里面包含员工相应的信息以及修改信息和获得信息的函数。定义一个抽象类Payment,工资Salary、奖金Bonus、股票分红Option均为Payment的子类。-Define the Employee class Employee and its inherited classes Manager and Director, which contains the corresponding information of
- 员工考勤,三种角色,有管理员,主管,员工,每种角色有不同工能,主要用日历和列表显示考勤信息-Employees attendance, three kinds of roles, the administrator, director, employee, each character can have different work, mainly use the calendar and list of attendance information