- Ajax实现的在线聊天室 一个单一的多用户聊天室。其内部维护着一个已登录用户的列表。列表将祛除session过期的用户。同时它还支持一些命令比如 /admin Clear 清除聊天室 /nick [Name] 改变用户姓名,详细的自己去发掘了。 注意用户名不能为汉字! -Ajax online chat room to achieve a single multi-user chat rooms. Its internal maintains a list of logg
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- Controls Commands Context Help
- Controls Commands Feature Editing
- 用VB.NET平台寫與U-READER連線後可以傳送指令與接收資料的功能-Platform using VB.NET to write after the connection with the U-READER can send commands and receive data function
- 用AT命令通过手机或MODEM发送短消息.vb.net-Or by phone using AT commands to send a short message MODEM
- Modbus TCP common driver class. This class implements a modbus TCP master driver. It supports the following commands: Read coils Read discrete inputs Write single coil Write multiple cooils Read holding register Read input register Write single regis
- C#写的控制串口继电器模块的代码,通过发送指令来控制多路串口继电器的开关。-Serial port control relay module C# to write the code, switch by sending commands to control multiple serial relay.
- 一个简易的记事本,除了自带记事本功能外,还有自动保存,命令,等其他功能-A simple notepad, in addition to its own notepad function, there is automatically saved, commands, and other functions
- The Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) allows a client program to connect to an Asterisk instance and issue commands or read events over a TCP/IP stream. Integrators will find this particularly useful when trying to track the state of a telephony clien
- The manager is a client/server model over TCP. With the manager interface, you ll be able to control the PBX, originate calls, check mailbox status, monitor channels and queues as well as Asterisk commands. AMI is the standard management interface