- The purpose of the series will be to build a class that allows any C# programmer access to common, and not so common, image processing functionality. The reason we are doing it in C# is simply that I want to learn it, but the functionality we use is
- 利用Visual c++.net 编写的 如何使用回车键切换输入焦点 程序。代码都有注释。对初学者很有帮助!-Using Visual c . Net prepared in how to use the ENTER key to switch input focus of the procedure. Code have the Notes. Very helpful for beginners!
- SocanCode是一个能帮助.NET开发者自动生成C#代码,存储过程,用户控件等的工具,使用它可以省去众多繁琐的重复工作,让开发人员把精力集中在业务逻辑上,大量减少重复劳动。让开发更便捷!-SocanCode is a help. NET developers to automatically generate C# code, stored procedures, user controls and other tools that use it can save many tedious
- asp.net常用代码总结。包括数据集操作,获取焦点,绑定表达式,如何在删除并重新安装IIS之后修复IIS映射-Asp.net regularly used source code summary. It contains data set operation, how to get focus, binding expression, and how to repair IIS mapping after deleting and reinstalling IIS.
- 单本小说管理系统,方便读者专注于一本小说,简单,清晰,无广告。 程序界面: 安装教程: 系统环境: .NET 3.5 MSSQL 安装步骤: 1.上传所有文件到网站根目录.给WEB.CONFIG文件可写权限. 2.运行Install.aspx页面,按步骤一步一步填写,直到安装完. 3.安装完成后删除 Install.aspx ,Default.aspx页面,设置index.aspx为默认首页. 4.后台地址:http://域名/admin,登入
- jquery幻灯片焦点图插件,轻量级的幻灯片插件!-jquery slide the focus map plug-in, lightweight slideshow plugin!
- 思康协同办公管理系统,解决企业的日常管理规范化、增加企业的可控性、提高企业运转的效率的基本问题,范围涉及日常行政管理、各种事项的审批、办公资源的管理、多人多部门的协同办公、以及各种信息的沟通与传递。可以概括的说,跨越了采购、销售、生产、财务、人事等具体的业务范畴,更集中关注于企业日常办公的效率和可控性-SurfControl cooperative Office management systems to address day-to-day management of enterprise s
- 单本小说管理系统,方便读者专注于一本小说,简单,清晰,无广告。 程序界面: 安装教程: 系统环境: .NET 3.5 MSSQL 安装步骤: 1.上传所有文件到网站根目录.给WEB.CONFIG文件可写权限. 2.运行Install.aspx页面,按步骤一步一步填写,直到安装完. 3.安装完成后删除 Install.aspx ,Default.aspx页面,设置index.aspx为默认首页. 4.后台地址:http://域名/admin,登入
- WPF自制TextBox利用Validation验证来实现必填项和焦点的提示特效。必填项的用户名和Email的提示为,不满足规则不消失,有警示作用。非必填项身份证和QQ号的提示为,无论规则满足与否,提示只与焦点有关,即焦点失去即消失。个人觉得效果很好。-Homemade WPF TextBox Validation validation required prompt and focus effects. Required user name and Email tips, does not s
- 读取西门子监控软件WinCC的报警、变量、以及变量归档的历史数据,重点是有链接Wincc历史数据库的实际示例,在现实工程应用中都次采用的实际示例。-Read Siemens WinCC alarm monitoring software, historical data variables, and variable archiving, the focus is a link to the actual historical database Wincc example, a practica
- 无焦点捕获USB扫描枪,扫描枪无需加回车也可自动触发-Capture USB Scanner without focus,scanner not need add return
- As Internet and information technology have continued developing, the necessity for fast packet processing in computer networks has also grown in importance. All emerging network applications require deep packet classification as well as security-re
- 这是我自己用vb.net写的几个很简明的基础类库,很适合初学者或业余爱好者使用。主要包括:DataManager库(参数化的数据库操作类库,支持Access、SQL Server以及excel文件三种格式,用它就再也无需拼写繁琐的sql语句了),Geometry库(平面几何的类库,包括点、直线、线段、圆、向量等对象,支持平移、翻转、缩放、求垂足、求焦点、求夹角、求切线等等多种方法,基本涵盖了中学平面几何的所有内容),Json库(好用的Json文本解析工具,当然功能比较简单)。-This is m
- This app focus on students management system that provides functionality to maintain department,faculty, student information and so on
- Spring.NET为建立企业级应用提供了一套轻量级的解决方案。通过Spring.NET,我们可以用统一且透明的方式来配置应用程序。Spring.NET的重点是为中间层提供声明式事务管理,以及一个功能齐全的ASP.NET扩展框架。Spring.NET是非侵入式的,代码对框架本身不会产生任何依赖。(Spring.NET provides a lightweight solution for enterprise - level applications. With Spring.NET, we c
- 这是一款集MVC+权限管理+微信开发的源码,功能比较丰富。,微信管理:微信菜单管理、微信调用管理、微信关注用户、微信文章管理。(This is a set of MVC+ rights management + WeChat development source code, the function is quite rich. WeChat Management: WeChat menu management, WeChat call management, WeChat focus on u