- 呼叫中心就是在一个相对集中的场所,由一批服务人员组成的服务机构,通常利用计算机通讯技术,处理来自企业、顾客的电话垂询,尤其具备同时处理大量来话的能力,还具备主叫号码显示,可将来电自动分配给具备相应技能的人员处理,并能记录和储存所有来话信息。一个典型的以客户服务为主的呼叫中心可以兼具呼入与呼出功能,当处理顾客的信息查询、咨询、投诉等业务的同时,可以进行顾客回访、满意度调查等呼出业务-Call center is a place in a relatively concentrated, by a
- This a complete example how to use ITAPI library in VB.NET, showing the code for incoming call through an audio modem to answer and show the caller ID.-This is a complete example how to use ITAPI library in VB.NET, showing the code for incoming call
- In received incoming call you may select handset or hand-fre(In a received incoming call you may select handset or hand - MAC)