- 用MCI控制波形声音的播放。编译、链接并运行程序。当用户按下“Open”按钮时,弹出“打开”对话框,可以随意选定某个波形音频文件(*.wav)。选定文件后,可以按“播放”按钮进行声音的播放,在播放过程中还可以再次按“播放”按钮使声音暂停或继续播放。按“停止”按钮则停止播放,按“退出”按钮则退出应用程序。 -Sound wave with the MCI control to play. Compile, link and run the program. When the user presse
- Poetry appreciation system-Be able to specify the folder poetry files (text files, not less than 10) in the order of eleven appreciate, the last one poem to the next song is the first poem, the first verse is the last one before a poem. User interf
- Computer hardware knowledge test system-VB+ Access combination with the preparation of the Computer hardware knowledge examination system software. Title information is stored in an Access table, the title at least include: multiple choice, fill i