- 1、作品名称:蓝霞家庭音乐视听系统6.0 2、作品说明: 用VB写了个VCD播放系统,用的是mmcontrol控件,和解霸差不多啦!!!(有点吹牛)不过的确有好多多媒体编程方法什得学习,我可是写了近一个学期呀! 3、作者: 华北电力大学2000-4号信箱(071003) 4、作者Email:zxzxq8402@sina.com -1 Title: Blue Ha music video home system 6.0 2, Descr iption: The VB wrot
- The Microsoft Multimedia Control, or MMControl, is a Visual Basic tool that plays media files. You will not find MMControl to be one of the default tools in your toolbox, but you can add it to your list of controls with the Components list. You can a
- vb使用mmcontrol控件实现麦克风录音放音测试小工具。不过录音没有实现降噪。-vb use mmcontrol microphone recording and playback controls to achieve test gadget. But the recording does not implement noise reduction.