- LDPC码是Low Density Parity-check Codes的缩写,一个长为N的LDPC码由它的校验矩阵H来定义,该矩阵的特点是其中的元素0特别多,1特别少——即所谓的“低密度”。一个参数为(N,i,j)的H表示该矩阵中每列有i个1,每行有j个1,矩阵大小为N×K,N代表码字长度,K代表校验子的个数。 -LDPC code is the ab. of Low Density Parity-check Codes. A Length N LDPC is defined by its
- The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility
- 在第1章中,我们首先讨论在使用和不使用M F C的情况下创建一个窗口,以便清楚地了解 M F C是如何工作的。M F C窗口既可以由属于M F C的C + +类创建,也可以由一个早于并存在于 M F C之外的非C + +窗口类创建。我们将进一步观看窗口类并讨论那些由Wi n d o w s操作系统提 供的窗口类。最后,再看看M F C应用程序中都有什么。
- s-mac protocol for ns2 simulation
- The code performs a number (ITERS) of iterations of the Bailey s 6-step FFT algorithm (following the ideas in the CMU Task parallel suite). 1.- Generates an input signal vector (dgen) with size n=n1xn2 stored in ro
- Performance of AODV Routing Protocol using Group and Entity Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks. S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik
- sicily 1198题 给出N个字符串,求这几个字符串组成的序列中字典序最小序列-Descr iptionDr lee cuts a string S into N pieces,s[1],…,s[N]. Now, Dr lee gives you these N sub-strings: s[1],…s[N]. There might be several possibilities that the string S could be. For example, if Dr. lee
- 给定含有n个元素的多重集合S,每个元素在S中出现的次数称为该元素的重数。-Given n elements contains a collection of multi-S, each element appearing in the number of S is called the multiplicity of elements.
- 排隊理論 產生exponential分布的 inter-arrival time,Mean 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 1.統計並劃出Cumulative distribution曲線與其理論曲線 2.時間單位各為1、2、…20單位,分別統計各時間單位之arrival的個數,並劃出Pn(t) v.s t 與其理論值,n取0、1、2、3、4、5,λ取0.5。-Queuing theory produce exponential distribution of inter-arri