- VC通过模板来控制Word表格 //这里没有用word里提供的table对象,而是用了selection对象,用它控制比table简单 //而且用模板可以很容易地设置表格中的格式,若通过table对象则设置字体、对齐方式是很难控制 //这里主要是通过移动word中的输入点位置来定位要写的位置。然后再写入内容到单元格. //selection对象主要调用MoveDown来进行定位,MoveDowm是让word响应键盘上的上下箭头事件。 //其中参数4表示移动一个单元字,而5表示
- 著名的TMS公司的IntraWeb控件包,想下的就下吧-TMS famous companies IntraWeb controls package, would like to under the bar on the next
- Private Sub Command1_Click() strtmp = Text1.Text nlen = Len(strtmp) k = 1 For i = 1 To nlen j = Asc(Mid(strtmp, i, 1)) If j < 47 Or j > 58 Then k = 2 End If Next i If k <> 2 Then Text2.Text = Val(Text1.Tex
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- 近年来,随着YDcom的迅猛发展,给用户带来了com的方便,也对YDcom的服务质量有了更高的要求。为提高YDcom服务和业务管理水平,树立YDcom企业良好的服务形象。今年,DD省正建立全省的YDcom客户服务中心系统,为明年的客户服务年作准备,各个地市的客服中心的建设正顺利地进行,省中心的建设迫在眉睫。-In recent years, with the rapid development of YDcom to give users the convenience of the com,
- This chapter works with the next six chapters to act as a foundation for the technology discussions that follow. In this chapter, some fundamental concepts and terms used in the evolving language of internetworking are addressed. In the same way
- 最近写数据库时写的三个套装控件,已是很常用的普通控件,就是按钮控件,下拉列表控件,日历控件。但是我这里的下拉列表控件与别的不一样,它不光是下拉列表,还是单行文本控件;日历控件主要用了一条自定义函数完成基本功能。而且两个控件都模仿了QQ2009控件外观,非常漂亮。-Three suits written while writing a database recently control a piece, is already very in common use common control a
- Private Sub Command3_Click() 打开短信初始化端口 Dim Temp As String Dim Aa As String Aa = Now Label6.Caption = "打开始打端口..." Temp = SzhtoSms1.YhOpenModem(Text4.Text, Text8, Text9) If InStr(Temp, "-1") = 0 Then Text3 = Temp Label6.Caption
- Microsoft Windows scr ipt Technologies Microsoft s powerful scr ipting language targeted specifically at the Internet. Jscr ipt version 5.6 is the next generation of Microsoft s implementation of the ECMA 262 language.