- 某石油公司计划建造一条由东向西的主输油管道。该管道要穿过一个有n口油井的油田,从每口油井都要有一条输油管道沿最短路经(或南或北)与主管道相连。如果给定n口油井的位置,即它们的x坐标(东西向)和y坐标(南北向),应如何确定主管道的最优位置,即使各油井到主管道之间的输油管道长度总和最小的位置?证明可在线性时间内确定主管道的最优位置-An oil company plans to build a from east to west of the main pipeline. The pipeline
- 1)由输入的实部和虚部生成一个复数 2)两个复数求和; 3)两个复数之差; 4)两个复数之积; 5)从已知复数中分离出虚部 6)从已知复中分离出实部。 7)运算结果以相应的复数或实数的表示形式显示。 -1) by the input of real and imaginary parts generate a plural 2) sum of the two plural 3) the difference between the two plural 4) the pr
- 电脑维修技术,本人在维修过程中总结下来的,今天奉献出去-Computer maintenance technology, I sum up, during maintenance work down today, out of devotion
- When the user initially clicks the eye feature, a box is drawn around the square and the subimage within this square is cropped out of the image frame. The cropped image is used as a template to find the position of the feature in subsequent frames.
- 使用XPCOM组件实现 一个求和的程序。(xpcom demo for sum=a+b)