- About This Book This book is the follow-up edition to Wendy Jones’s Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming book. In this book, we teach you the basics of getting started with game graphics using the latest iteration of Direct3D: Direct3D 11. T
- mxGraph 是一个 JS 绘图组件适用于需要在网页中设计/编辑 Workflow/BPM 流 程图、图表、网络图和普通图形的 Web 应用程序。mxgraph 下载包中包括用 javescr ipt 写的前端程序,也包括多个和后端程序(java/C#等等)集成的例 子。 -mxGraph is a JS mapping components for applications that require a web page design/Edit Workflow/BPM