- 设计一个小型的复数类(C++标准库complex提供复数类),这里为了说明重载运算功能而设计,在小型复数类MiniComplex中,数据成员:实部与虚部。函数远远主要是重载进行复数运算的各种操作符。由于各种运算符功能的限制,将输入与输出运算符重载为友元函数,使得复数的输入与输出更加方便快捷,成员函数重载+,—,*,和/运算符来进行复数的加法、减法、乘法、和除法运算,重载逻辑运算符= =进行复数的相等比较。-Design of a small category of plural (C++ Sta
- 实现实数加复数运算符重载为友元函数形式的功能-Implementation of real numbers add plural operator overloading for the Friends of the functions of the form element function
- 、定义一个复数类complex,在类中包含两个数据成员,即复数的实数部分real和复数的虚数部分image。在类中定义几个必须的成员函数,再用友元来重载+,-,*,/四种运算符实现复数的四种运算。-, Define a complex type of complex, in the category of data consists of two members, namely, the real part of complex real and the imaginary part of th
- 算符优先分析过程模拟,通过对文件的读取,构造链表,将文法和分析表存入链表,然后输入符号串与#号结束并执行操作-Operator priority simulation analysis, through to read the document, list structure, grammar, and analytical tables will be deposited into the list, then enter the# symbol with the end of string
- 示范如何透过Visual Basic 6 呼叫 adobe illustrator cs6 并启动,透过这方式可以进一步用VBA控制AI绘制各种矢量图-demo how to start Adobe Illustrator CS6 by Visual basic 6 , by the way , you can operator AI to draw vector picture by VBA.