- VB编写的简单功能服务器组件,演示了组件编写的简单代码,asp脚本可以调用完成删除文件的功能。-VB prepared by the simple function of the server components, the components demonstration prepared by the simple code, asp scr ipts can be called complete deletion of files.
- 组件功能: 组件采用COM+方式安装,免去以往需ADMINISTRATOR帐号才可以开通站点而带来的安全问题 站点创建,删除,编辑等 Serv-U用户采用注册表存放 改写域名绑检测部分,使其更正确 人性化的站点目录权限重置功能,以前目录读写权限设置 站点可执行脚本配置,放便你设置不同类型的虚拟主机 MIME功能,未完善 程序池的创建,修改,删除,重启,回收,停止 Serv-u用户部分功能 获取服务器进程 获取服务器上的所有服务信息 IIS在线备份,
- Windows scr ipting Host class to add scr ipts execution ability into your own C++ application
Backup and restore MySQL DBs within Visual Basic
- The purpouse of this module is to backup and restore mysql databases within a Visual Basic program. Please, don't vote for this one... It is a remake of http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57138&lngWId=1 which inspi
- 解释运行Active scr ipt语言的程序 -The app of interpreting and runing the active scr ipts language
- The main purpose for this release is to show how Ameba will look like. Look at the help (in the help subdirectory) and test project in the /bin/AmebaEngine/test directory. scr ipts in the /bin/AmebaEngine/ will help you to quickly compile
- 实现Activescr ipt应用程序脚本,代码写得很规范,有学习价值。-Achieve Activescr ipt application scr ipts, code written very norms, have learning value.
- 大型通用计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics)平台的用户自定义函数(userdifined function)的scr ipts(通过参加收费培训获得),共五个大型例子的脚本编写-scr ipts for user defined functions in large scale commercial CFD platforms. Obtained through purchased professional trainning with five core c