- HookAPI is the API SDK that sets up system wide hooks for all windows platforms. It could easily hook 32-bit windows system APIs or 32-bit user-defined DLL. It could be used easily and all you need to do is write a DLL file named mydll.dll or mydll_9
- VC++简单获取鼠标坐标位置信息,鼠标移动的过程中,适时得到X/Y坐标的信息并显示出来,利用HOOK来实现,代码简单,浅显易懂。 -VC++ easy to get the mouse coordinates of the location information, the process of moving the mouse in a timely manner by X/Y coordinate information and displayed using HOOK to achie
- MouseTrace,用 VC++写的鼠标Hook钩子,获取X,Y坐标,并适时显示在窗体上,如上图示,在窗体上移动鼠标,坐标信息会被跟踪,移出窗体则无效。-MouseTrace, written with VC++ Mouse Hook hook, to get X, Y coordinates, and time display on the form, above the icon, move the mouse on the form, the coordinate information
- 一个给电脑加锁的程序,调用了 KBHook.dll 全局键盘钩子,程序用繁体VB6编写,里面含 instgb5 在VB IDE环境中转换的工具. 这个工具我用了很多年,ctrl配合方向键可以简繁体转换..具体看右下角的图标的帮助. 一个台湾朋友写的.. 真的非常好用.. -允许输入拉丁字符的拼音 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Yīgè gěi diànnǎo jiā suǒ de chéngxù, diàoyòngle KBHook.Dll quánjú jiànpán
- Emulating mouse event (clciks, movement x,y )using Windows API. Codes tested and working.
- 从键盘上任意输入3 个整数x、y、z,并按从大到小的顺序显示出来,请编写该程序。要求:输入时x、y、z三个变量中的数是无序的,通过程序处理后,x是最大值,y是次大值,z是最小值。-Any input from the keyboard three integers x, y, z, and press in descending order, write the program. Requirements: The number in the three variables x, y, and
- Il y a quelques temps, j avais publié sur le blog la technique de l IAT Hook qui permettait de détourner l appel d une fonction via la table d importation. Mais cela a ses limites: si vous posez un hook après que le programme ai récupéré l adresse