- 一个屏幕保护程序,监视器会每隔0.25秒显示一个拥有随机大小、位置和颜色的矩形。-a screen saver, monitors will show every 0.25 seconds with a random size, location and color of the rectangle.
- Rainy Screensaver 是世界上最好的下雨屏幕保护程序,它真实地再现了雨天的景象,当雨点随风而降,在逼真的雨声、炫目的闪电和滚滚的雷鸣声中,雨点在屏幕上汇集滑落,会让人感觉到电脑屏幕上真的下起了一场暴雨。你可以选择自己喜爱的一组图片作为桌面背景,程序将逐一加载并转化为雨天效果,图片能够以随机或指定顺序显示出来,程序也可以在指定的时间段内重复运行。-Rainy PGM is the world's best rain screen protection program, it
- 利用COM技术实现的屏幕保护程序,可以随意订制显示的图片内容,包含100多中显示方式-use COM technology to achieve the screen saver can be arbitrarily ordered the contents of the photographs show, includes more than 100 shows way
- 使用VC++在有背景图片的对话框中实现静态文本的透明显示-use VC picture in the background static dialog text of the transparent show
- 屏幕监视器.本软件为后台程序,运行后不显示窗体,每5分钟监测屏幕,并把屏幕生成Gif格式文件,保存下来-screen monitors. The software background, the running after the show windows, monitoring every five minutes screen, screen generation and Gif format, preserved
- 该程序运行时将桌面用定义的窗口覆盖,显示定义的图象。该程序的图象是不断的画线条,到100根后清除重新画,直到关闭窗口或结束程序运行。-running at the desktop with the definition of window covering, the definition images show. The program, the image is constantly painting lines, to 100 after the removal of re-painting
- 这是一个屏幕保护程序(显示图片),带定时关机功能。用于xp.,This is a screen saver (show picture), with regular shutdown. For xp.
- 屏幕打洞程序,点开始按钮开启打洞程序,点屏幕任何地方可以将该处所有窗体击穿一个洞,露出桌面来,点结束恢复窗体退出程序。-Screen hole program and pressed the start button open hole program, point the screen no place will it all form breakdown a hole, show desktop, PM recovery form quit.
- 这是一个在屏幕是显示雪花效果的程序 用vc编写 可以给女朋友一个惊喜使用 -This is an effect of snow on the screen is to show the procedure used to prepare vc can give his girlfriend a surprise to use
- vc++的挂机锁屏系统,相信这个大家都不陌生吧,可以锁定你的计算机,别人无法操作,需要知道口令才可以,S本软件不但功能完善,而且界面友好,仿QQ的界面,CcTry.Com截图所示,还会适时弹出操作提示,更加人性化,可以专用于网吧或个人办公计算机,开始挂机后,显示挂机时间,而且还可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ),本程序还涉及一些注册表的操作,当关闭本程序时,会释放注册表。 -vc++ to hang up the lock screen system, I believe that
- 文字屏幕保护程序,保护屏幕不受长时间显示而出现亮点!-Text screen saver to protect the screen from the emergence of a long show highlights!
- 黑客帝国数字雨源码 1.可实现各种角度变换功能 2.可修改数字为任何字符 3.可修改持续时间等-source of digital rain in Matrix 1.angle of view transfer 2.any character to show 3.any long time of maintenance
- 在桌面上显示时间的小程序,可以设置闹钟,并播放MP3格式音乐-Show time applet on the desktop, you can set the alarm, and play MP3 format music
- 基于C++ builder编制,实现图像的特技显示百叶窗帘。-Based C++ builder preparation, implementation Stunt show images blinds.
- Download free screensavers on different themes to decorate your monitor with beautiful moving images. Here you can download for free 3D screensavers, animated and slide-show screensavers and also HD screensavers for Halloween, Thanksgiving Day and Ch
- 仿健康小工具的代码,一个护眼小工具,其中屏幕居中和每次显示最前端有问题,这个代码是以前写的后来有改但是代码不在了,所以上传最开始源码-Imitation Health Code gadget, an eye gadget, which is centered on screen and the front of each show there is a problem, this code is used to write later have changed but the code is g