- 用Direct X实现了一个彩色空间立方体的旋转,它有好几个旋转轴。,Using Direct X implementation of a color space of the rotating cube, which has some good rotation axis.
- 使用dirext实现3d显示图片,可以翻转,放大缩小,还可以绕轴旋转。-3d shows that the realization of the use of dirext picture, you can flip, zoom, you can rotate around the axis.
- 程序说明: 1.本程序实现了字母C的自转、上下自动伸缩、绕正方形轨迹往返的功能; 2.本程序实现了数字3的绕字母公转功能; 3.本程序实现了上色以及地板的双面着色; 4.本程序实现了按shift加速; 5.本程序实现了镜头绕Z轴转动的功能。-Program: 1. This program implements the letter C' s rotation, stretching up and down automatically, around the sq
- directx 3D 上色的正方体,绕y轴旋转-directx 3D color cube, rotate around the y-axis
Direct3D 机械臂仿真
- 用Dirct3D做的6轴机械臂仿真,是学习制造机机械臂仿真和Direct3D物体运动很好的材料(The simulation of 6 axis mechanical arm made by Dirct3D is a good material for learning mechanical arm simulation and Direct3D object movement)