- This file is part of the MIDAS Sound System, and may only be used, modified and distributed under the terms of the MIDAS Sound System license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify or distribute this file you indicate that you have read the licen
- 可读写MP3ID中的各种信息,如标题,艺术家,专集,年代等。-MP3ID can read and write a variety of information, such as title, artist, album, such as age.
- objectarx 入门经典,相信广大小鸟可以在看了本教程后有突飞猛进的进展-objectarx entry classic, I believe the mass of birds can be read in the handbook after rapid progress.
- objectarx 入门经典,相信广大小鸟可以在看了本教程后有突飞猛进的进展-objectarx entry classic, I believe the mass of birds can be read in the handbook after rapid progress.
- objectarx 入门经典,相信广大小鸟可以在看了本教程后有突飞猛进的进展-objectarx entry classic, I believe the mass of birds can be read in the handbook after rapid progress.
- 自动投票机,可以自动为你读取名字和身份证号码。-,Visual C++,Windows编程/Windows Develop -automated voting machine, it will automatically read your name and identity card number. -, Visual C, Windows Programming / Windows Develop
- 这是一个基于Direct3D角色渲染引擎。通过读取md3 文件、纹理文件和法线文件等信息来进行渲染。压缩文件中不含有角色文件因为文件太大。-This is a role Direct3D based rendering engine. Md3 read through documents, texture and normal paper documents and other information to exaggerate. Compressed files do not contain
- 3d中实现2d效果的例子。。。。。。。。 可以做为。。。。。自己看了就知道了-3d 2d achieve results example. . . . . . . . Can provide. . . . . Read on their own know
- 关于介绍directx中网络模型的例子.可以读取.x文件,适合初学者学习-for the presentation of directx network model example. Can read. X documents for beginners learning
- 读取视频的输入、输出流-read video input and output streams
- 基于DirectX平台的骨骼动画的模型读取,-DirectX platform based on the skeleton of the model animation read,
风魂--基于 DirectX 的游戏程序库
- 看了就知道,我省 -read, we know that our province.
- 游戏开发包。DirectX相关的组件包装, DirectDraw、D3D、DirectInput、DirectSound、DirectPlay、DirectMedia、及MIDI播放;图形文件读写;网络编程;多线程等方面很多内容, Game development package. DirectX correlation module packing, DirectDraw, D3D, DirectInput, DirectSound, DirectPlay, DirectMedia, and
- 利用D3D读取XML文件,创建人物和显示骨骼动画,Use D3D to read XML documents, create characters and display skeletal animation
- 使用Directshow和MFC结合起来读取摄像头数据,并且能够抓拍图像保存-Use Directshow and MFC read camera data, and the ability to capture images are saved
- 利用托管的DirectX9.0C+VS2005编写,实现了从高程数据中读取数据,构建一个三维地形。-The use of managed DirectX9.0C+ VS2005 prepared to achieve elevation data from the read data to build a three-dimensional terrain.
- Direct3D中.x文件的解析器,将.x文件(明码的或二进制的)解析成易读的格式,可方便修改代码转换成自定义的格式-.X file parser make .X file resolve into easy-to-read format, can be easily modified code into a custom format
- d3d10初学者的福音,不可不看的好书 前提,安装了vc-d3d10 beginner s Gospel, a must-read books premise installed vc++
- 读取微软的DirectX使用的 .x 文件,能够获得.X文件中每一个节点的数据(如Mesh中每一个点的坐标)。需要DirectX的环境才能编译运行。-Read Microsoft s DirectX use. X files, can be. X document, each node of data (such as Mesh in the coordinates of each point). DirectX environment need to be able to run the co
- Improved DirectShow sample code - GrabBitmaps sample. This console app will open a long AVI file in the parent directory,create a filter graph with a sample grabber filter, read frames out of it every second for a few seconds, and write the frames