- 完全自己编写的消息队列,代码中还实现了互斥量、信标量以及线程调度,该代码完全由C编写,没有使用WINDOWS函数。-completely prepared by his message queue, the code also achieved a volume contradict letter scalar and thread scheduling, the C code entirely prepared, to use a Windows function.
- 这是我用汇编写的一个打字练习的程序,它能在窗口中随机显示一行字符,输入一行结束时,自动换一行。上面用一个箭头指示所要打的字符,输入正确时显示绿色,错误时显示红色,同时有错误提示音,能用back-space删除字-This is what I used to write a compilation of a typing practice and the procedures it in the window display random characters here, his input at
- 利用线程方案实现实现哲学家问题.设置五个信号量代表五把叉子,初使值均为1,表示5把叉子均可以取,设置五个线程代表5个哲学家,其值分别为0~4,规定奇数号的哲学家先拿起他左边的叉子,然后再去拿他右边的叉子 而偶数号的哲学家则相反.按此规定,将是1,2号哲学家竞争1号叉子,3,4号哲学家竞争3号叉子.即五个哲学家都竞争奇数号叉子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号叉子,最后总会有一个哲学家能获得两支叉子而进餐。而申请不到的哲学家进入阻塞等待队列,根FIFO原则,则先申请的哲学家会较先可以吃饭,因此不会出现饿死的
- 我的一锅双星就是出不来,用138 主焦信噪9,146在其左上[面对锅]信噪0。用146主焦信噪11,138在其右下[面对锅]信噪0。 -my pot star is stuck with 138 main Ta noise 9, 146, in its upper left [the face of the pot] letter noise 0. Ta 146 with the main noise 11, 138 in his lower right [to face pot] let
- 这是个简单的线程创建源代码,在进程中建立线程以达到调用系统函数的目的.里面有错误之处望大家改改!-This is a simple thread to create the source code. in the process of establishing calling thread to achieve the purpose of the system function. There were mistakes in his remarks hope you changed!
- 该函数创建的管道的两端处于一个进程中间,在实际应 用中没有太大意义,因此,一个进程在由pipe()创建管道后,一般再fork一个子进程,然后通过管道实现父子进程间的通信-The function at the two ends of the pipeline to create a process in the middle, in practical applications is not much significance, therefore, a process by the pipe
- c++实现的进程线程问题,包括父子进程,哲学家进餐问题等等.-c++ implementation of the process of threading issues, including his son process, the philosopher eating problems, and so.
- 这是一个简单好用的小软件,可以用来监控你的电脑的TCP端口和UDP数据包发送情况 界面采用列表方式可以一目了然的看到你的机器的端口情况,他的列表分类清晰如协议,PID,进程名称,本地地址,本地端口,远程地址,远程端口,连接状态-Interface using list can clearly see your machine, the port of his list clearly as agreement, the classification of PID, name, address
- 进程间通信最基本的例子 包括了剪贴板 父子进程 命名管道通信 还有油槽通信 刚刚接触这方面的可以下下来参考学习-The most basic examples of inter-process communication, including a clipboard and his son process named pipe communication tank communication, just contact in this regard can down the reference
- 这个源码是一小的C#编程的展示,让大家体会他的优点-The display of the source code is a small c# programming, let everybody experience his advantage
- his project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Re-His project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Re
- his project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Re(His project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Re)