- 本文用C语言实现了优化算法-最小费用最大流算法,主要用于图论领域-Using C programming language, the optimization algorithm-minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, mainly for the field of graph theory
- 在程序加载时出现,可以点击画面跳过。 2.登录窗口 只有在输入正确的用户名的密码时,点击登录,才能登录。 3.主体窗口 主体窗口中显示的是当天的话费清单。 4.显示窗口 显示窗口中显示的是当前的各路中断线的状态。 5.打印窗口 可以打印当天的话费清单。 6.退出程序 退出程序。 7.当前费用 可以结算出从当天的00:00:00到些时的费用总和,以及通话时第总和。 -in loading procedures there, click on the pic
- 通用串行总线(USB Universal Serial Bus)是一种计算机与外部设备连接的新技术,相对于PC传统的串/并行接口,USB具有较高的数据传输率、即插即用、热插拔、易扩充和低成本等优点。从USB标准颁布以来的短时间内,USB已成为PC必备的标准接口。-Universal Serial Bus (USB Universal Serial Bus) is a computer and external device connectivity, the new technology, c
- 依据prim最小生成树的算法实现的最小生成树源码,能够建立准确的最小代价生成树-Prim minimum spanning tree based on the minimum spanning tree algorithm source code, be able to establish an accurate minimum cost spanning tree
- 一个能源供应问题的c++源代码,需要调用CPLEX优化软件。- Assume you run a power supply company. You have several power generators // available, each of which has a minimum and maximum production level and a // cost per unit output. The question is which generators to u
- 一个简单的分段运输问题的C++源代码。需要调用CPLEX优化软件。-Simple transportation example with piecewise linear cost coefficients.
- 用C++实现了非递归归并排序算法,20万条数据花费时间78ms, 对初学算法的有一定的帮助!-use C++ language to implemente the merge sort algorithm without recursion! This algorithm only cost 78ms to manage 200000 data items.
- 最大流最小费用算法-Minimum cost maximum flow algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 模拟电信计费系统的设计与实现 要求:(1) 计费功能。根据存放在源数据文件中的通话记录和长途费率文件对每一条通话记录计算其通话费用,并将结果保存在费用文件中。其中: 通话费的计算方法如下: 通话费=长途电话费+本地电话费 长途电话费=费率(元/分钟)×通话时长(分钟) (通话时长不满1分钟的按1分钟计算) 本地电话费为:3分钟以内0.5元,以后每3分钟递增0.2元。 (2) 话费查询。输入一个电话号码,从费用文件中统计该电话号码的所有本地话费、长途话费,并从用户文
- 该代码简单实现了路由选择的链路状态算法。通过输入节点数,再输入节点间的开销后自动找出最少开销路径-The code implements a simple link-state routing algorithm. Automatically find the least cost path through the input nodes, and then enter the cost of inter-node
- THUEE数据与算法实验五: 在某地区计划修建公路,使所有村庄之间都有公路可以通达。 假设所有新修建的公路都是直接连接两个村庄,除村庄以外没有交汇点,并且所有公路均为双向通行,不存在单行道。请设计一个算法,解决以下问题: 1. 给出一个造价最低的修建方案(若存在); 2. 判断造价最低的方案是否唯一。如果唯一,给出一个除该方案外造价最低的备选方案(若存在);否则,给出另一个造价最低的备选方案。-THUEE five experimental data and algorithms
- 这是一个用c++写的计算最小代价生成树的程序-This is a c++ to write a program to calculate the minimum cost spanning tree
- It is the complete medical shop management software is so designed as to ease the work load of medical shop professionals. The main feature includes invoicing, inventory and stock control, accounting, client and vendor management. This software h
- 实现了双向循环链表的时间复杂度为1,封装完整,功能齐全,包括插入删除查找等。-it s a double-linked-list and cost least time.
- we re storing the cost form city to city in a 2-dimentional array, the algorithm first solves the problem for the shortest way with a shortest cost, then we solve it with the gready algorithm just to compare the results.
- 实现样本功能的距离变换—linear-time algorithms for solving a class of problems that involve transforming a cost function on a grid using spatial information.-linear-time algorithms for solving a class of problems that involve transforming a cost function on
- 电网造价模拟系统,通过添加站点和边,来让电脑找出两点之间的最近距离,节省电网搭设的造价-Cost simulation grid system by adding sites and edges to let the computer find the shortest distance between two points, saving the cost of erection of the grid