- Have fun and draw many shapes with numbers in console -Have fun and draw many shapes with numbers in console !!
- 用C++实现一个具体事例,形状作为基类,正方形,三角形等等作为派生类。来体现类的多态性,其中涉及多态,继承,虚函数的使用。-using a C++ example to illustrate polymorphism, virtual function and etc. The example has a base class of shape, and many concrete shapes as derived classes.
- 设计算法解决拉丁矩阵问题,将n种不同形状的宝石排列成m行n列的一个矩阵,每一行每一列的宝石都没有相同形状,求宝石排列方案数(Latin matrix design algorithm to solve the problem, the gem n different shapes arranged in m rows n columns of a matrix, each row of each column of gems don't have the same shape, strives