- 监测特定服务的启动和停止,并能触发指定的方法执行,达到监测的目的-Monitoring of specific services to start and stop, and can trigger the specified method of implementation, to achieve the purpose of monitoring
- 可以播放指定路径下的mp3文件,同时实现,暂停,上一首下一首,快进后退,显示歌曲列表等功能。-The programme can play a mp3 music and stop it,it also can play next song or presong and so on.
- 英文文档去除停用词remove stop words-remove stop words for english documents
- 约瑟夫环问题求解 约瑟夫环问题的具体描述是:设有编号为1,2,……,n的n(n>0)个人围成一个圈,从第1个人开始报数,报到m时停止报数,报m的人出圈,再从他的下一个人起重新报数,报到m时停止报数,报m的出圈,……,如此下去,直到所有人全部出圈为止。当任意给定n和m后,设计算法求n个人出圈的次序。-Josephus Josephus problem solving specific descr iption is: has numbered 1, 2, ...... n n (n
- 对win32平台下的后台服务器的控制代码,有创建,开始,停止,退出功能。-Win32 platform on the backend server control code, create, start, stop, exit the function.
- This program is in C + + and it calculates the sum of the geometric progression of n members: 1/3 + 1/9 + 1/27 + ... The number of members of the geometric progression n is entered via the keyboard, while the program should be sufficient number of
- VC6.0编写的一个NTServer服务模型,其中包含了完整的NT服务模型类,包括安装,卸载,开始,停止,都已经分装好,而且这个框架那过去,可以直接使用,在线程中添加自己想做的事情就行了。-VC6.0 prepared a NTServer service model, which includes a complete model class NT services, including installation, uninstallation, start, stop, have a goo
- 约瑟夫(Josephus)环问题:编号为1,2,3,…,n的n个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人持有一个密码(正整数)。一开始任选一个正整数作为报数的上限值m,从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始顺序报数,报到m时停止。报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针方向上的下一人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直到所有人全部出列为止。 建立n个人的单循环链表存储结构,运行结束后,输出依次出队的人的序号。(必须用链表)-Joseph (Josephus) Central question: numb
- Stop function Unpacked in UPX The program will not be able to decompress. After using this program-Stop function Unpacked in UPX The program will not be able to decompress. After using this program
- Title: CountDown Descr iption: The purpose of the project is to show: 1) how to create a complete Win32 service 2) how to communicate with a service other applications and, in general, how to perform IPC (interprocess communication) 3) how to
- 简易浏览器的设计,实现基本的前进、后退、刷新、浏览、停止等功能-The design of simple browser, realize the basic forward, back, refresh, browse, stop, and other functions
- 基于kaiser滤波的函数和测试结果、结果报告 已知滤波器的要求如下: Fpass 0.45 Fstop 0.55 Pass band gain 1 Stop band attenuation 80dB 滤波器的信号采样率为10KHz。 用c++ 实现其滤波器功能-Based on the kaiser filter function and test results, the results reported The known filter requir