- We present a particle filter construction for a system that exhibits time-scale separation. The separation of time-scales allows two simplifications that we exploit: i) The use of the averaging principle for the dimensional reduction of the sys
- This project aim was to build wireless software modem for data communication between two computers using an acoustic interface in the voice frequency range (20Hz– 20,000Hz). The transmitting antenna is a speaker (frequency response of: 90Hz – 2
- 一个可以产生均匀随机序列和高斯序列的程序,结果输出至文件,同时高斯序列输出概率分布统计文件,最方便的出图方法是用EXCEL-Can generate a uniform random sequences and sequences of Gaussian process, the resulting output to a file, while the output Gaussian probability distribution sequence statistics file, the
- 利用遍历器对输入的txt文件进行字频统计并按字频统计概率大小进行顺序排列 -Traversal of the input device to use the txt file for the word frequency statistics and the probability of word frequency statistics for the size of the order
- 吸收系数的累积概率分布函数,包括利用marlab进行曲线的拟合-Absorption coefficient of the cumulative probability distribution function, including the use of marlab for Curve Fitting
- 正态分布的数据概率计算 双向计算 生成excel文件-Two-way normal probability calculation of data generated excel file
- vsm矩阵构建以及同现矩阵概率计算,用于文本聚类等-The vsm matrix construction, and calculate the same probability of occurrence matrix for document clustering
- 本程序实现从文件中随即选取一行,每行被选中的概率与改行长度成正比-This program a file then a line, is proportional to the probability of being selected in each row and diverted length
- Various resource allocation algorithm, Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.