- POS网口打印机,打印控制代码。通过网线直接与打印机连接。包括检测和打印。-POS network printer port, print control code. Through the network cable to connect directly with the printer. Including testing and printing.
- 本程序适用于并口(lpt端口)连接电脑的打印机,如果你的打印机是usb端口的,买一条 USB转并口线 即可.-This procedure applies to the parallel port (lpt port) to connect the computer' s printer, if your printer is usb port, buy a USB-parallel cable.
- How to F/W update. 1) Connect PC and printer with USB cable. 2) Turn on the power of printer.(Ready Status) 3) Drag the f/w file and Drop down on the usbprn2.exe. And then f/w update will be started automatically. 4) Please wait until