- A simple utility to split a concatenated vCard format file into separate files (IETF RFC 2426 - vCard MIME Directory Profile). It splits on the BEGIN:VCARD and END:VCARD tags. It was created to help import a Lotus Organizer export file into Palm Desk
- If necessary, send an e-mail non-file it first must be converted to a coded form that is not confusing to your mailing srever or the e-mail, which works with the recipient. There are several ways of such transformation. The best known of these two.
- NOCC是一个webmail客户端。支持连接IMAP和POP3服务器收取邮件,利用SMTP服务器发送email。支持MIME附件邮件。支持三十几种语言。易于安装无需要数据库支持。 -NOCC is a webmail client. Support for IMAP and POP3 server to connect to collect e-mail, using SMTP server to send email. Annex MIME message support. Suppor
- 演示地址:http://www.yy155.com/ (音乐区) 后台登陆:http://www.yy155.com/admin 帐号:admin 密码:123456 升级说明: 1、新增了歌手管理 2、新增了最新音乐生成 3、新增了热门音乐生成 4、新增了推荐音乐生成 5、新增了歌手生成 6、新增了专集生成 7、新增了音乐管理里面的热门推荐 8、新增了单音乐选择颜色
- MTK6513-6558系列安卓智能机串号修改,直接用手机运行软件修改-anderoid mtk mime
- 用C++实现的比较好用的MIME协议的打包与解析。-MIME PACK
- .NET library written in C# with a full implementation of a POP3 client. Easy to use but yet powerful. Includes a robust MIME parser backed by several hundred test cases.
- SMTP协议MIME邮件格式 ,讲解原理,简单移动(The SMTP protocol MIME email format, interpretation of the principle of simple mobile)