- this optimal binary search tree!! my masterpiece works-this is optimal binary search tree!! my masterpiece works!!
- VC实现的,多维函数搜索,无约束优化方法, (1)最速下降法 (2)阻尼牛顿法(3)共轭梯度法 (4)鲍维尔法(5)变尺度法(6)单纯形法 -VC implementation, multi-dimensional function of search, unconstrained optimization methods, (1), steepest descent method (2) damped Newton' s method (3) conjugate gradient
- H.264运动搜索算法代码,包括三步法,改进的三步法,菱形搜索法,改进的菱形搜索法等算法的源码-H.264 motion search algorithm code, including three-step, improved three-step method, the diamond search method to improve the diamond search algorithm, such as source
- 利用批处理程序写的代码,调用浏览器使用相应搜索引擎进行搜索 -Use a batch process to write the code, call the browser using the appropriate search engine search
- search engine: Instance spider
- This a binary search tree with void* pointer in data segment in order you to search store and delete O(n) worst case, O(log(n)) agerage case data.-This is a binary search tree with void* pointer in data segment in order you to search store and delete
- 介绍有关全文检索的类库,以lucene为例,在.net环境下实现多种类型文档的全文检索.-On the full-text search of the library to Lucene as an example, at. Net environment achieve a variety of types of documents full-text search.
- metlab求解的禁忌搜索算法,求解的实例在有效的时间范围内可得。-Solving metlab taboo search algorithm for solving the example in the effective time frame available.
- 模拟退火,禁忌搜索,遗传算法,神经网络-MATLAB程序合集 -Simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithm, neural network-MATLAB collection procedures simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithm, neural network-MATLAB collection procedures
- It is a basic program to search for options given in a list box used in VC++ MFC without using wizard... It is simple program...helps in understanding VC-It is a basic program to search for options given in a list box used in VC++ MFC without using w
- 图论编程,包含文件操作,建立图的邻接表,并实现深度优先搜索-Graph theory programming, including file operations, the establishment of plans of the adjacent table, and the depth-first search
- 混沌搜索算法,应用于大量数据的处理,是一种比较常用的算法-Chaos search algorithm, applied to large amounts of data processing is a relatively common algorithm
- This function implements the tabu search algorithm for solving some problem
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- Google Ajax Search Fast Reliable
- this a simple search form. uhm i suggest to change its database with your database and also its path. adodc is required!-this is a simple search form. uhm i suggest to change its database with your database and also its path. adodc is required!
- 商标检索(trademark search)
Add, Edit, Delete, Search (very simple)
- Add, Edit, Delete, Search (very simple)
gold search
- finding again with gold search method
- Search for entered text in all directories