- 用VB开发的教务管理系统,共大家学细雨参考!-Public UserName As String Private UserPwd As String Private Sub Command2_Click() Me.Visible = False End End Sub
- It s designed by me. it s programmed by VB
- 用VB实现的一个简单的计算器程序。见笑了。大家多多指正啊。-Using VB to achieve a simple calculator program. Laughing stock of the. Members can correct me ah.
- 比上次所上传的QQ钓鱼程序更加逼真,吸引别人的上钩。 此次更新是最好的一次,所以请大家多多支持! 如有建议请联系QQ 614225470,本次的软件中带有控件和ASP。 ASP文件需上传到空间,直接到us.5944.net注册,再上传就行了。 还带有一个获取信息的软件,自己开VB修改一下收信地址。 高手请多多指点。-QQ than the last uploaded more realistic fishing program to attract other people
- 特别说明: 1.纯VB制作,所以非常小,大小仅仅32K, 2.引用非常方便,不到5行代码就完成功能了 3.适用范围广:Windows95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003均可以正常使用 4.注册简单,您只需要按照我们的注册说明注册,可以在很端的时间内获得注册码。 -Special Note: 1. Pure VB production, so very small, the size is only 32K, 2. Convenient reference, less t
- 一个VB写在小程序,刚自己刚开始学的,大牛们看了别见笑,也多给我提点建议,谢谢了-A small program written in VB, just beginning to learn their own, do not laugh at a large cattle were seen, but also give me some advice, thank you
- vb记事本程序,记事本总程序的一部分,需要的话还可以继续上载-vb notepad program,if you need more information,please communicate with me
- 本选题是课堂所学与个人爱好的结合。在整个设计中融入自己感兴趣的话题,一方面是给自己制作了一本纪念册,以Visual Basic形式汇总了自己的喜好,另一方面,也可以让大家通过观看我的设计,了解我的兴趣爱好。-The topics is a combination of classroom learning and personal hobbies. Throughout the design into their own topics of interest to himself and pro
- 基于VB实现鹰眼功能的一个程序。鹰眼即是在地图上点击一个位置 可以在小时窗中用红色小框框标注出来-oh my god my english is not good it s hard for me to do this
- RFID READER VB CODE via visual basic u can use it and it s very simple code for understand so go ahead with this code if any problem comes feel free to contact me
- VB日历转换,农历转换 农历转换,自编简单阳历与农历转换小程序,公历与农历之间的日期转换,有节日。菜鸟练手请多多包涵。使用方法,在窗口中先把需要转换的日期即可,选择后会自动在窗口下方显示农历和属相信息,比较简单。-VB calendar conversion, conversion Lunar Lunar conversion, simple self Gregorian and lunar conversion applet, Lunar calendar date conversion
- 条形码的设计与打印, 这个程序提供了39及128条码,但128的好象不能使用.-it is me use bar code ctrl print er print,my eng list use VB set but is i see and i dont know
- 编程高手之路—跟我学VB(续)--vb连接Access数据库实例(Programming high hands - follow me with an example of VB (Continued) --vb connection to the Access database)
- LG mes系统开发模板,学习ME系统入门知识,经过验证代码,有VB 和C# VC++的模板都有。(LG MES system development templates, learning the introduction of ME system knowledge, after verifying the code, there are VB and C# VC ++ templates.)
一个基于VB 的万年历
- 一个基于VB 的万年历,万年历日历中显示节日、农历、星座等信息,可前进、后退查看某一天信息。编写时候用到了不少VB类,源码公开,对学习来说相当有参考价值。 Private Sub Image2_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 '减 If WNL_Pic_int = 1 Then WNL_Pic_int = 15 Else WNL_Pic_int = WNL_Pic_int - 1 Me.Pic