- 二用户CDMA系统,信道为加性高斯信道,使用BPSK调制,15位M序列扩频,可以正确解扩解调。 输出为2用户的基带信号、扩频信号、PSK调制信号、解调信号的时域和频域特性,给出两个用户分别的误码率。 -Second, the user CDMA system, channel for the additive Gaussian channel, using BPSK modulation, 15 M Sequence Spread Spectrum, you can correct demo
- BPSK的调制解调m程序,是硬判决下的。-BPSK modulation and demodulation m program, under the hard decision.
- Effect of white noise on a COFDM transmission This simulations looks at the effect of varying the SNR on the BER. The SNR is varied from 0 to 20dB, while the BER is tested by passing 96000 data words through the link and measuring the number
- BPSK gardner同步 同步算法仿真。此m文件把Gardner算法的信号生成到发送,接收及同步一并给出。-Gardner Synchronization Algorithm Simulation. This m file to Gardner algorithm to generate a signal to send, receive and be given simultaneously.-BPSK gardner Sync synchronization algorithm simu
- This programe provides BER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using BPSK modulation. Results are compared with theoratical results for BPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.
- IEEE(2011) Paper on Improving Bit Error Rate of STBC–OFDM Using Convolutional and Turbo Codes Over Nakagami-m Fading Channel for BPSK Modulation
- 基于matlab平台的BER与EbNodB仿真结果的OFDM用BPSK编码AWGN环境下的仿真-BER Vs EbNodB for OFDM with BPSK modulation over AWGN
- cdma通信系统的仿真,包括m序列产生,bpsk调制,多径信道,误码率等;-cdma system simulation, including m sequence generation, bpsk modulation, multipath and BER
- 在高斯信道上的BER给出BPSK(不同于SER)性能曲线(包括理论和Monte Carlo仿真曲线,横坐标为E_b/N_0)- The BER on the Gauss channel gives BPSK (different SER) performance curves (including the theoretical and Monte Carlo simulation curves, and the abscissa is E_b/N_0)
- (1)请推导单径瑞利信道中的BPSK相干解调的理论误码率(BER)性能,并画出比特信噪比(Eb/N0)与误码率的关系曲线。 (2)在单径瑞利信道中,请设计一种时分的导引辅助的信道估计方法,用Simulink(或m语言)进行仿真,测量BPSK的误码率性能,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线,并与理论误码率曲线进行对比。((1) Please derive the theoretical bit error rate (BER) performance of BPSK coherent demodul