- N阶磨方阵算法代码。用于生成N阶行、列和对角线之和相等的方阵。-N-order square algorithm code mill. Used to generate N-order rows, columns and diagonal and equal to the square.
- N皇后问题,N皇后放置过程的现实。 由八皇后问题扩展开来,在N*N的棋盘上摆放N个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意两个皇后都不能处于同一行、同一列或同一斜线上。求可能的解决方案,并显示每一种解决方案的皇后放置过程。-N Queen' s problem, N Queen placed the reality of the process. Expansion by opening eight to question Queen' s, at the N* N chessboard
- LCS问题就是求两个字符串最长公共子串的问题。解法就是用一个矩阵来记录两个字符串中所有位置的两个字符之间的匹配情况,若是匹配则为1,否则为0。然后求出对角线最长的1序列,其对应的位置就是最长匹配子串的位置。 最长递增子序列LCS的实现C源码!-LCS problem for two strings is the longest common sub-string problem. Solution is to use a matrix to record the location of two
- 魔方阵,古代又称“纵横图”,是指 组成元素为自然数1、2…n 的平方的n×n 的方阵,其中每个元素值都不相等,且每 行、每列以及主、副对角线上各n 个元素 之和都相等。编写程序输入魔方阵( n 为 奇数,n<25)。-Magic square, the ancient, also known as " China plans" refers to the number of elements in a natural square 1,2 ... n
- 输入2维数组,对其行列值和对角线求和并且将其按照大小顺序排列输出。杨辉三角、质因数个数等等。-Enter the 2-dimensional array, its value and the diagonal sum of the ranks and their order in accordance with the size of the output.
- 实现魔方阵.即N*N(N为奇数)个自然数填入方阵中,使它的每行、每列及对角线的数之和为:(N*(N*N+1))/2-The realization of magic square. That is, N* N (N is an odd number) fill in a matrix of natural numbers, it' s every line, every column, and diagonal and the number of: (N* (N* N+1))/2
- 一个实现魔法矩阵的c++算法,能实现奇数行的魔法矩阵,使得横竖对角线上的数的和相等-A realization of magic matrix c++ algorithm can achieve an odd line of magic matrix, making if they had the number on the diagonal and equal to
- 针对双输入双输出稳定过程,提出一种新的解耦内模控制设计方法。综合解耦和 稳态误差两方面因素,利用对象传递函数模型行列式的静态增益及次对角元素与同行相应主 对角元素之商的不合理部分(即不稳定极点和纯超前部分)的逆来设计控制器 -For the two-input dual-output stabilization process, a new decoupling internal model control design methods. Integrated decoupling
- 9. 编写一个程序解八皇后问题。八皇后问题是:设法在国际象棋的棋盘上放置八个皇后,使得其中任何一个皇后所处的“行”、“列”以及“对角线”上都不能有其它的皇后。 本题给的是其中的一组解-9. Write a program solution of the eight queens problem. Eight queens problem is: try to place the chess board eight queen, making any one of the Queen in w
- 當輸入一奇數值N時,程式會輸出N×N的魔術矩陣即此矩陣之各行、各列及兩主對角線中元素的和均相等。-When you enter a value of N odd, the program will output N × N matrix that is the magic of this matrix, each row, each column and the two main diagonal elements and are equal.
- 选手得分,杨辉三角,找x的位置,主对角线c语言-Players score, Yang Hui triangle, find x position, the main diagonal
- java小程序,用于实现三子棋游戏:在3*3的方格中,两个游戏者轮流做标记,如果一个游戏者在网格水平,垂直,斜线上有连续三个标记就为胜利.-java applet for the realization of the three sub-chess game: in the 3* 3 grid, the two players take turns marking, if a game in the grid horizontal, vertical, diagonal, there are t
- C语言编写,求解八皇后问题:在8行8列的棋盘上放置8个皇后,使任一个皇后都不能吃掉其他的7个皇后(注:皇后可吃掉与她处于同行或同列或同一对角线上的其他棋子)-C language, to solve the eight queens problem: in 8 rows and 8 columns of the board to place eight queens, so the Queen can not eat any of the other seven Queen (Note: Que
- 在8*8的国际象棋的棋盘上摆8个皇后,使他们之间不能相互攻击。即任意两个皇后不能位于同一行、同一列或同一对角线上。以下为一种可能,请求出共有多少种可能。-8* 8 chess board put eight queens, so that between them can not attack each other. That any two of the Queen can not in the same row, same column or the same diagonal. The
- 问题的提出:编写一个长途电话计费程序,计费规则是每6秒钟0.06元,要求能输入发话地、收话地,输出话费。其不能相互攻击,即任意两个皇后不能处于 棋盘的同一行、同一列和同一条对角线上。-Of the problem: write a long-distance telephone billing procedures, billing rules is 0.06 yuan per six seconds, required to enter the speaker, the closing w
- 八皇后问题:在8行8列的棋盘上放置8个皇后,使任一个皇后都不能吃掉其他的7个皇后(注:皇后可吃掉与她处于同行或同列或同一对角线上的其他棋子),并将结果以某种方式显示出来。-Eight queens problem: in 8 rows and 8 columns of the board to place eight queens, so the Queen could not eat any of the other seven Queen (Note: Queen can eat with
- 皇后问题,用于c++课程设计,每一个皇后可以吃掉棋盘上横、竖和对角线上的所有棋子,要求在棋盘上放入至少3个棋子-Queens problem, for c++ program design, the Queen can eat each board horizontal, vertical and diagonal all the pieces, called the board into at least three pieces
- The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard such that none of them are able to capture any other using the standard chess queen s moves. The queens must be placed in such a way that no two queens attack e
- 三对角阵的LU分解和三对角方程组的求解.可以用于油藏数值模拟-Diagonal matrix of the LU decomposition of tridiagonal equations and can be used in numerical reservoir simulation
- HMM with skips and single Diagonal Gaussian SourceForge 1.03