- 实验三:C++编程入门 一、实验内容 1. 类模版。 2. 运算符重载。 3. 友元。 4. 继承。 二、实验题目 1, 设计一个类SavingsAccount,定义一个静态数据成员记录存款的年利率(rate),该类的每个成员都包含一个私有的数据成员balance,表示该成员当前的存款数额。提供一个成员函数CalMonthlyInterest(),用以计算月利息(用balance乘以rate再除以12),并将这个月利息加入balance中。提供一个静态成员函数ModifyRate(
- acm算法设计—会场安排问题! 假设要在足够多的会场里安排一批活动,并希望使用尽可能少的会场。设计一个有效的贪心算法进行安排。(这个问题实际上是著名的图着色问题。若将每一个活动作为图的一个顶点,不相容活动间用边相连。使相邻顶点着有不同颜色的最小着色数,相应于要找的最小会场数。) 对于给定的k个待安排的活动,编程计算使用最少会场的时间表。,acm algorithm design- the venue arrangements! Assume it to be enough room
- 计算器中文女声数字语音库,包含年、月、日、时、分、秒-Chinese Female calculator digital voice library, including year, month, day, hour, minute, second
- 此c++程序可以让使用者依次输入年份、月份、日期,并在输入的同时判断输入是否正确:比如闰年2月份有29日、4月份没有31日等,最后输出年月日以及该年是否是闰年。-This c++ program allows the user to turn the input year, month, date, and at the same time to determine the input type is correct: for example, a leap year February has
- 一个简单的万年历(图形界面)提供以下一些功能: (1)能够显示实现1800-2100年的日期,包括公历、农历和星期; (2)能够按照月份格式显示日期; (3)能够显示系统时间。,A simple calendar (graphics interface) provides the following features: (1) to display the date in 1800-2100, including the Gregorian calendar, the Lunar and
- 定义一个日期类DateType,它的数据成员y, m, d用来表示当前日期的年、月、日。设计该类实现的功能(相应的类成员函数)。-Definition of a date class DateType, its data member y, m, d is used to indicate the current date of the year, month, day. Designed to achieve the function of the class (the correspondi
- 这是本人做的一个二调土地符号库,arcgis和arcengine平台下可以用,符号库非常全,基本涉及了土地现状所有的符号。解压后文件名为“二调现状符号库.style”这可是花了近一个月时间做的,共近300个符号。现在传上来,与从事ArcGIS二次开发的人员共享。下载后感觉好要加点评论哦!-This is my doing a two tone data symbols, arcgis platform you can use symbol libraries are full, the basi
- 中大oj(Sicily)1029的题目。这道题目主要是看清递归关系式而编即可。注意处理精度。本程序利用四位进位处理精度。-Problem The rabbits have powerful reproduction ability. One pair of adult rabbits can give birth to one pair of kid rabbits every month. And after m months, the kid rabbits can become adu
- 小型企业员工管理系统,用于管理员工上下班的考勤系统,记录员工本月的出勤情况,出差情况等,及员工本月工资。-Small Business staff management system for managing employee attendance to record staff attendance this month, ttrip_business and so on, and staff salaries this month.
- 程序员杂志6、7月份代码下载-Journal of 6,7 month programmers code download
- 月分查询并将查询到的月份用英文显示.可以帮助你快速找到相应月份对应的英文.-Months of inquiries and queries to show the month in English. I can help you quickly find the corresponding month of the corresponding English.
- 月份查询表 可以增加月份等时间的记录,查询和删除功能。-Month look-up table can increase the month such as time records, query and delete function.
- 收集了目前大学期末考试中18个重要的C程序源代码例题解答,还有24个待续。题目:古典问题:有一对兔子,从出生后第3个月起每个月都生一对兔子,小兔子长到第三个月 后每个月又生一对兔子,假如兔子都不死,问每个月的兔子总数为多少?-Collected at the end of the current university examinations 18 important example C source code to answer, there are 24 adjourned. Ti
- 能算出某個月份有多少天(輸入2月時需要輸入年份)-Is able to calculate how many days a month (in February when the input need to enter the year)
- 人月神话,一本写的很好的关于软件工程的书籍,书中主要谢了项目经理应该如何更好的安排人员,更好的把项目做好。-Mythical Man-Month, a well written books on software engineering, the book mainly thanks to better project managers how to arrange, the better the project well.
- The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.著 最著名的软件工程管理和设计方面的论文 英文原版,中文译名:人月神话-The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
- 中文名称(人月神话),项目管理方面的资料,FREDERICK P. BROOKS, JR.所著-Chinese name (one month mythology), project management aspects of the material, FREDERICK p. BROOKS, JR.
- 判断输入的月份分别属于哪个季节,同时应用swith和循环实现方式。-Determine the input the month belongs seasons, application swith and cycle implementations.
- 如果你不想仅仅做个小程序员,那么人月神话是你成为项目经理必读的书籍。-If you do not want to just be a little programmer Mythical Man-Month is that you become the must-read books of the project manager.
- java书上的例题,上课跟着老师练的,关于月份相加减,适合平时练习(Java examples of books, classes with the teacher's training, on the month plus minus, suitable for peacetime practice)