- 数据结构上机实验——图的遍历,建立有向图,可选择深度或广度搜索,并将所有路径输出,简明、易懂、C++、自编版。-Data structure on experiments- graph traversal, the establishment of a directed graph, you can choose the depth or breadth of the search, and all paths output, concise, easy to understand, C++,
- [KTV_Program] 此為主程式部份,使用Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0專業版製作。 [KTV] 此為測試檔,請先將這個資料夾放到C槽底下,如此開[KTV_Program]的主程式時,才不會找不到檔案,若要改其他路徑請修改dir.txt這個檔案 ([KTV_Program]及[KTV]裡都有這個檔案,二個都要修改),若要直接執行測試檔可以點選KTV點唱系統.exe。 若不能開主程式,表示你沒有安裝專業版的套件,請安裝專業版或上官網更新專業版
- Shortest Paths with Multiplicative Cost. In a given undirected graph, the path cost is measured as a product of all the edges in the path. The weights are rational numbers (e.g., 0.25, 0.75, 3.75 etc) or integers (2, 3). There are no negative edges.
- In some graphs, the shortest path is given by optimizing two different metrics: the sum of weights of the edges and the number of edges. For example: if two paths with equal cost exist then, the path with the least number of edges is chosen as the sh
- function [r_path, r_cost] = dijkstra(pathS, pathE, transmat) The Dijkstra s algorithm, Implemented by Yi Wang, 2005 This version support detecting _cyclic-paths_-function [r_path, r_cost] = dijkstra(pathS, pathE, transmat) The Dijkstra s al
- acm算法设计: 描述: 国际象棋车可以水平或垂直的任何方在同一行或同一列的棋盘。 找到一些最短路径的一个车可以从一个角落里一个棋盘的斜对面角落。 输入: 一整数n为行数和列的棋盘。0 < n <=16 输出: 数量的最短路径。 例输入: 3或4 例输出: 6或20 -Descr iption: A chess rook can move horizontally or vertically to any square in th
- hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach
- 输出一图的0至n(1<=n&&n>=9)的所有路径,找出满足一定规律的递归条件,从而设计出递归算法。-Output of a map 0 to n (1 < = n & & n> = 9) of all paths to find the recursive rules satisfy certain conditions, to design a recursive algorithm.
- 迷宫问题,有详细的注释,实现了自己设置入口出口,可找所有路径和最短路径并输出所有路径-Maze problem, there are detailed notes, to achieve its own entrance exit he could find all the paths and the shortest path and the output of all paths
- This implementation is finished open with ITUP1546 to view gui interface. Read the ITU P.1546 propagation document to understand how to measure you input values. This was created from ITU p.1456-3 Minor issues corrected -warm sea paths
- 用无向网表示你所在学校的校园景点平面图,图中顶点表示主要景点,存放景点的编号、名称、简介等信息,图中的边表示景点间的道路,存放路径长度信息等。 要求事先一下功能: (1) 查询各顶点的相关信息。 (2) 查询图中任意两个景点之间的最短路径。 (3) 查询图中任意两个景点之间的所有路径。 --Free to the net means that the school campus attractions in your plans, the graph vertices of
- Rician fading is a radio propagation anomaly caused by partial cancellation of a radio signal by itself — the signal arrives at the receiver by two different paths, and at least one of the paths is changing (lengthening or shortening). Rician fading
- Free For All Link Page v1.2 This scr ipt allows visitors to add links to your page in a specified category. It is quite easy to install -1.Open links.pl with a text editor. Change the url in line one, to the Perl program at your ser
- 走迷宫的小程序:8*8的小迷宫,可以随机自动生成,左上角为起点,右下角为终点,0代表通,1代表不通;行走方向有八个(不是四个),方向代号由正南起,逆时针依次是0到7.迷宫路径以8表示,最后生成的迷宫路径记录中,第一个坐标和第二个坐标表示横、纵坐标,第三个表示在当前位置时出路的方向。程序可以自动识别无出路的迷宫。到目前为止测试没出现问题!-Maze small program: 8* 8 a small maze, you can randomly auto-generated upper-lef
- VC实现迷宫问题,用穷举法找出一条路径,用递归形式的算法求得迷宫中所有可能的通路,以方阵形式输出迷宫及其通路. -VC to achieve maze problems,and use brute-force method to find a path,using the recursive form of algorithm to seek all possible paths in the maze in order to form the output matrix and the
- 求解Dijkstra 前k条最短路径,非常实用,编译已通过-Dijkstra solved before the k shortest paths
- I needed a breadcrumb bar like the one in Windows Vista so I could show a path and have the path to be clickable, But I also needed a crumbbar in another project, and it had nothing to do with file paths. So I build this CrumbBar controller that are
- 选择文件,提取文件图标,文件格式类型,默认打开该文件的程序路径等!-Select the file, extract the file icon, file format types, the default program to open the file paths!
- Furthermore, the simulator actually build in another algorithm - Dijikstra Algorithm. This algoritm is the best and fastest algo in solving shortest path problem. It s actually used to compare wtih GA in solving a specified situation. Simulator also
- 旅行商问题(TSP问题)就是一销售商从n个城市中的某一城市出发,不重复地走完其余n-1个城市并回到原出发点,在所有可能的路径中求出路径长度最短的一条。 本题假定该旅行商从第1个城市出发。-Traveling salesman problem (TSP problem) is a vendor from the n cities, starting in a city, do not finish the rest of repeated n-1 cities and return to t